Str: \arabic{Strength},
Dex: \arabic{Dexterity},
Spd: \arabic{Speed},
Damage: \arabic{damage},
Weight: \arabic{weight},
Encumbrance: \arabic{encumbrance},
XP Bonus: \arabic{xpbonus},
Attack total: \arabic{attackXPtotal},
Def Total: \arabic{defenceXPtotal},
MP: \arabic{mp},
Grand Total: \arabic{xp}
Armour DR: \arabic{armourDR}
Armour Weight: \arabic{armourWeight}
% _ _
% ___| |_ __ _| |_
% / __| __/ _` | __|
% \__ \ || (_| | |_
% |___/\__\__,_|\__|
% _ _ _
% | |__ | | ___ ___| | _____
% | '_ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / __|
% | |_) | | (_) | (__| <\__ \
% |_.__/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___/
\newcommand{\addAbility}[1]{\edef\Abilities{\Abilities{}#1. }}
\newcommand{\addEquipment}[1]{\edef\Equipment{\Equipment{}#1, }}
% we calculate damage here because we can't display 1d6+6 damage - it has to turn into 2d6+2 damage.
test {\ifnumcomp{\value{damagebonus}}{>}{3}}%
\foreach \s in {Projectiles,Combat,Brawl,Academics,Athletics,Caving,Crafts,Deceit,Empathy,Flight,Medicine,Performance,Larceny,Seafaring,Stealth,Tactics,Vigilance,Wyldcrafting}
{\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \s~\arabic{\s}, \fi}
\foreach \k in {#5}{%
\foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water}%
{\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \addtocounter{mp}{3}\fi}%
halign=flush left,
\ent{Skills} & \showSkills \\
\ent{Spheres} &
\foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water}%
{\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \s~\arabic{\s}, \fi}
\ent{Knacks} & \showKnacks \\
\ent{Abilities} & \Abilities \\
\ent{Equipment} &
\weaponName, %
\armourName, %
{#5}% KNACKS
\whileboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{track}}{>}{0}}}{%%
\ifnumodd{\value{track}}{ & \small\hpStat{freeHP} \\}{\small\hpStat{freeHP}}%%
\whileboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{track}}{>}{0}}}{%%
\small\hpStat{freeHP} \\%
\small\boxStat{mp} \\%
\small\hpStat{freeHP} &
\small\boxStat{mp} \\
& \small\boxStat{sp} \\
\hpStat{freeHP} \\
\boxStat{mp} \\
\boxStat{sp} \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Character Generation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% _
% ___ ___ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ ___
% / __/ _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__/ __|
%| (_| (_) | |_| | | | | || __/ | \__ \
% \___\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_| |___/
% Attributes: str, dex, spd, int, wts, cha
% secondary str, dex and spd
% Extras: MP hp fp
% Derived: dicenumber, dicebonus,
\newcounter{heft}% used to see how many AP points to swing a weapon
% _
% ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ __| |___
% / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` / __|
% | (_| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \
% \___\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/
% magic
Adrenaline~Surge (+1 Damage, once per \ifnum\value{knacks}<2 combat\else round, \arabic{knacks} uses per combat\fi)%
Berserker (+1 \glsentrytext{ap}. on round 2 of combat, +1 Damage. on round 3)%
(+1 \glsentrytext{ap}, Attack, and Damage after charging 6 steps)%
(when an opponent hits 0 \glspl{hp}, damage transfers to the next opponent)%
(+\arabic{knacks} to dodge projectiles)%
(spend 0 AP to guard someone, and gain +1 to guarding against attacks)%
(when losing \glspl{hp}, the character gains \setcounter{enc}{2}\addtocounter{enc}{\value{knacks}}\arabic{enc} AP)%
\setcounter{enc}{\value{knacks}}\roundUp{enc} (reduce cost to draw longbow by \arabic{enc} AP)
Perfect Sneak Attack
(+\arabic{knacks} Damage for sneak attacks)
Precise Strike
(+1 Attack when calculating \pgls{vitalShot})
\iftoggle{examplecharacter}{ (+2 when using any #1)}{(#1)}%
Stunning Strike
(take -1 penalty, and opponent's AP reduces by half Damage)%
(Pay 0 AP to reload arrow or draw weapon)%
(+2 \glsentryshortpl{hp}, and +\arabic{knacks} to any Medicine rolls to save them when dying)%
\iftoggle{examplecharacter}{ (+2 Intelligence after losing HP)}{}%
(spells use Wits and cost 1 less \glsentrytext{ap})
Ritual Caster
(spells use Intelligence, caster may spend 1 extra \gls{mp})
Fast Healer
(resting heals one more \gls{ep} and \gls{mp})%
\newcommand{\combatcaster}{Combat Caster}
\newcommand\chosenEnemy[1]{Chosen Enemy (+1 against #1, -2 when trying to be friendly)}
% _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
%| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \
%| |_) | __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | |
%| .__/ \___|_| |___/\___/|_| |_|
% _ _
%% ___| |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __
%% / __| '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` |/ __| __/ _ \ '__|
%%| (__| | | | (_| | | | (_| | (__| || __/ |
%% \___|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\___|\__\___|_|
%% optional counters, such as mana, are cleaned
%% clear: weaponsknack1 and 2,
\foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water,Projectiles,Combat,Brawl,Academics,Alchemy,Athletics,Caving,Crafts,Deceit,Empathy,Flight,Medicine,Performance,Larceny,Seafaring,Stealth,Tactics,Vigilance,Wyldcrafting}%
\foreach \s in {encumbrance,dr,covering,weaponDamage,weaponBonus,weaponWeight,armourWeight,armourDR,armourWeight,fp,sp,heft,weight,damage,knacks,mp,xpbonus}%
%% _ _ _ _ _
%% __ _| |_| |_ _ __(_) |__ _ _| |_ ___ ___
%% / _` | __| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __|
%%| (_| | |_| |_| | | | |_) | |_| | || __/\__ \
%% \__,_|\__|\__|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__\___||___/
%% Print the line,
%% print the attributes.
%% print the skills
%% print the knacks
%% print the equipment
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lr@{\hskip 3em}lr@{\hskip 3em}lr}
Strength & \arabic{Strength} & Dexterity & \arabic{Dexterity} & Speed & \arabic{Speed} \\
\ifnum\value{Intelligence}>-6 Intelligence\fi &
\ifnum\value{Intelligence}>-6 \arabic{Intelligence}\fi &
Wits & \arabic{Wits} &
\ifnum\value{Charisma}>-6 Charisma\fi &
\ifnum\value{Charisma}>-6 \arabic{Charisma}\fi
%% _ _
%% ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| |_ ___
%% / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ _` | __/ __|
%%| (_| (_) | | | | | | |_) \__ \ || (_| | |_\__ \
%% \___\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|___/\__\__,_|\__|___/
%% |_|
% Stats for allies don't need to show Combat +1 as 'TN 8 to hit', they just need to show '+1'.
\divide\value{armourDR} by 2%
\divide\value{dr} by 2%
\setcounter{maxWeight}{\value{hp}}% now to compute encumbrance
%% _ _ _
%% __| | ___ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| |_ ___
%% / _` |/ _ \ '__/ __| __/ _` | __/ __|
%%| (_| | __/ | \__ \ || (_| | |_\__ \
%% \__,_|\___|_| |___/\__\__,_|\__|___/
%% dice instead of Damage
%% print out att, spd, DAM, dex, dr (type), str
\scshape AP \ifnum\value{ap}<1 $\frac{1}{2}$ \else \arabic{ap}\fi%
\ifnumcomp{\value{heft}}{>}{1}{ (AP Cost: \arabic{heft})}{},
Att %
\mbox{Dam \dmg{damage},\space}%
\mbox{DR \arabic{dr}%
{ (\arabic{covering}!)}, }%
MP \arabic{mp},
SP \arabic{sp}, %
%% __ ______
%% \ \/ / _ \
%% \ /| |_) |
%% / \| __/
%% /_/\_\_|
%%% Now to get the XP value of the creature's attack ability.
%%% = Attack (TN) * Dam + max((spd-hef),mp)^2
before upper={\parindent0pt},
\Gls{ap}: \arabic{ap} & Att: $\arabic{att} - HP$
& Speed: \arabic{Speed}
& Wits: \arabic{Wits}
& Dam: 1
{HP: \arabic{hp}
& \\ %
\par\textbf{Abilities:} \Abilities
\setcounter{weaponWeight}{0}% Stop EP showing.
\addAbility{Acid spray (\glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{age} to dodge or \showDam~Damage)}%
\addAbility{#1 body (inflict \showDam~Damage each turn of grappling)}%
\addAbility{Regeneration (1 \glsentrytext{hp}/ round, max. \arabic{track})}%
\addAbility{Viscid (on a tie, the attacker must inflict Damage, but the weapon sticks into the body, \glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{track} to pull out)}%
\addAbility{Liquid (non-fire Damage removes 2~\glsentrytext{hp} but creates a 1~\glsentrytext{hp} copy)}%
\addAbility{Fiery breath (range: \arabic{enc} \glspl{step}, Dam: \showDam\ifnum\value{mp}>0\ plus 1 per \glsentrytext{mp} spent\fi)}%
% To fly, creatures should have Speed
% + Dexterity greater than Strength +
% DR.
(can glide, but not fly)
(moves at x8 speed, must run before takeoff)%
\addAbility{Stench (breathing in demands \roll{Strength}{Wyldcrafting} check, \glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{track},
or take 3 \glspl{ep})}%
\addAbility{Gas (receive hallucinations and \arabic{track}~\glspl{ep} per round)}%
\addAbility{Octoped (double movement)}%
\addAbility{\arabic{track}~tentacles (grapple up to \arabic{enc} opponents without going prone)}%
\addAbility{Venom (grappling attack inflicts \showDam~\glsfmtlongpl{ep})}%
\addAbility{Web (\roll{Strength}{Athletics}, \glsentrytext{tn} \arabic{track} to break free for 1~\glsentrytext{ap})}%
\raggedright \ent{Spheres} & #1