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    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Introduction
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Str: \arabic{Strength},
      Dex: \arabic{Dexterity},
      Spd: \arabic{Speed},
      Att: \arabic{toHit},
      Damage: \arabic{damage},
      Weight: \arabic{weight},
      Encumbrance: \arabic{encumbrance},
      XP Bonus: \arabic{xpbonus},
      Attack total: \arabic{attackXPtotal},
      Def Total: \arabic{defenceXPtotal},
      MP: \arabic{mp},
      Grand Total: \arabic{xp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Armour DR: \arabic{armourDR}
      Armour Weight: \arabic{armourWeight}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %      _        _   
    %  ___| |_ __ _| |_ 
    % / __| __/ _` | __|
    % \__ \ || (_| | |_ 
    % |___/\__\__,_|\__|
    %  _     _            _        
    % | |__ | | ___   ___| | _____ 
    % | '_ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ / __|
    % | |_) | | (_) | (__|   <\__ \
    % |_.__/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___/
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \newcommand{\addAbility}[1]{\edef\Abilities{\Abilities{}#1.  }}
    \newcommand{\addEquipment}[1]{\edef\Equipment{\Equipment{}#1, }}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % we calculate damage here because we can't display 1d6+6 damage - it has to turn into 2d6+2 damage.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        test {\ifnumcomp{\value{damagebonus}}{>}{3}}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \foreach \s in {Projectiles,Combat,Brawl,Academics,Athletics,Caving,Crafts,Deceit,Empathy,Flight,Medicine,Performance,Larceny,Seafaring,Stealth,Tactics,Vigilance,Wyldcrafting}
          {\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \s~\arabic{\s}, \fi}
      \foreach \k in {#5}{%
      \foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water}%
        {\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \addtocounter{mp}{3}\fi}%
          halign=flush left,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          \ent{Skills} & \showSkills \\
            \ent{Spheres} &
            \foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water}%
              {\ifnum\value{\s}>0 \s~\arabic{\s}, \fi}
            \ent{Knacks} & \showKnacks \\
            \ent{Abilities} & \Abilities \\
            \ent{Equipment} &
              \weaponName, %
              \armourName, %
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          {#5}% SKILLS
          {}% EQUIPMENT
          {#6}% ABILITIES
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          }% SKILLS
          {#5}% KNACKS
          {#6}% EQUIPMENT
          {#7}% ABILITIES
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        HP \arabic{hp}~%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          \hpStat{freeHP} \\%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        HP \arabic{hp}~%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \whileboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{track}}{>}{0}}}{%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          \ifnumodd{\value{track}}{ & \small\hpStat{freeHP} \\}{\small\hpStat{freeHP}}%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        HP \arabic{hp}~%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \whileboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{track}}{>}{0}}}{%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          HP \arabic{hp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          MP \arabic{mp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          HP \arabic{hp} \small\hpStat{freeHP} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          MP \arabic{mp} \small\boxStat{mp} \\
          HP \arabic{hp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          MP \arabic{mp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          SP \arabic{sp}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
              HP \arabic{hp} \small\hpStat{freeHP} &
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
              MP \arabic{mp} \small\boxStat{mp} \\
              & SP \arabic{sp} \small\boxStat{sp} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
              HP \arabic{hp} \hpStat{freeHP} \\
              MP \arabic{mp} \boxStat{mp} \\
              SP \arabic{sp} \boxStat{sp} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Character Generation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    %                       _                
    %  ___ ___  _   _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ ___ 
    % / __/ _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__/ __|
    %| (_| (_) | |_| | | | | ||  __/ |  \__ \
    % \___\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_|  |___/
    % Attributes: str, dex, spd, int, wts, cha
    % secondary str, dex and spd
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Extras: MP hp fp
    % Derived: dicenumber, dicebonus,
    \newcounter{defenceXPtotal} %rem
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \newcounter{heft}% used to see how many AP points to swing a weapon
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %                                                _
    %   ___ ___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __   __| |___
    %  / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` / __|
    % | (_| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \
    %  \___\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/
    % magic
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Knacks
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Adrenaline~Surge (+1 Damage, once per \ifnum\value{knacks}<2 combat\else round, \arabic{knacks} uses per combat\fi)%
      Berserker (+1 \glsentrytext{ap}. on round 2 of combat, +1 Damage. on round 3)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (+2 to unarmed attacks)
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Fast Charge
      (+1 \glsentrytext{ap}, Attack, and Damage after charging 6 steps)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Cutting Swing
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (when an opponent hits 0 \glspl{hp}, damage transfers to the next opponent)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (+\arabic{knacks} to dodge projectiles)%
      (spend 0 AP to guard someone, and gain +1 to guarding against attacks)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (when losing \glspl{hp}, the character gains \setcounter{enc}{2}\addtocounter{enc}{\value{knacks}}\arabic{enc} AP)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Lucky (add 4 \glsentryshortpl{fp})
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Mighty Draw
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \setcounter{enc}{\value{knacks}}\roundUp{enc} (reduce cost to draw longbow by \arabic{enc} AP)
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Perfect Sneak Attack
      (+\arabic{knacks} Damage for sneak attacks)
      Precise Strike
      (+1 Attack when calculating \pgls{vitalShot})
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{ (+2 when using any #1)}{(#1)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Stunning Strike
      (take -1 penalty, and opponent's AP reduces by half Damage)%
      Snap Draw
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (Pay 0 AP to reload arrow or draw weapon)%
      (+2 \glsentryshortpl{hp}, and +\arabic{knacks} to any Medicine rolls to save them when dying)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \iftoggle{examplecharacter}{ (+2 Intelligence after losing HP)}{}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Weapon Master
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (+1 attack with a {#1})%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (cast with \glspl{ep} instead of \glspl{mp})%
      Snap Caster
      (spells use Wits and cost 1 less \glsentrytext{ap})
      Ritual Caster
      (spells use Intelligence, caster may spend 1 extra \gls{mp})
      Fast Healer
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (resting heals one more \gls{ep} and \gls{mp})%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \newcommand{\combatcaster}{Combat Caster}
    \newcommand\chosenEnemy[1]{Chosen Enemy (+1 against #1, -2 when trying to be friendly)}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % _ __   ___ _ __ ___  ___  _ __  
    %| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ 
    %| |_) |  __/ |  \__ \ (_) | | | |
    %| .__/ \___|_|  |___/\___/|_| |_|
    %       _                          _            
    %%  ___| |__   __ _ _ __ __ _  ___| |_ ___ _ __ 
    %% / __| '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` |/ __| __/ _ \ '__|
    %%| (__| | | | (_| | | | (_| | (__| ||  __/ |   
    %% \___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___|\__\___|_|   
    %%  optional counters, such as mana, are cleaned
    %%  clear: weaponsknack1 and 2, 
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \foreach \s in {Air,Earth,Fate,Fire,Water,Projectiles,Combat,Brawl,Academics,Alchemy,Athletics,Caving,Crafts,Deceit,Empathy,Flight,Medicine,Performance,Larceny,Seafaring,Stealth,Tactics,Vigilance,Wyldcrafting}%
      \foreach \s in {encumbrance,dr,covering,weaponDamage,weaponBonus,weaponWeight,armourWeight,armourDR,armourWeight,fp,sp,heft,weight,damage,knacks,mp,xpbonus}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%       _   _        _ _           _            
    %%  __ _| |_| |_ _ __(_) |__  _   _| |_ ___  ___ 
    %% / _` | __| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __|
    %%| (_| | |_| |_| |  | | |_) | |_| | ||  __/\__ \
    %% \__,_|\__|\__|_|  |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__\___||___/
    %% Print the line,
    %% print the attributes.
    %% print the skills
    %% print the knacks
    %% print the equipment
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lr@{\hskip 3em}lr@{\hskip 3em}lr}
        Strength & \arabic{Strength} & Dexterity & \arabic{Dexterity} & Speed & \arabic{Speed} \\
        \ifnum\value{Intelligence}>-6 Intelligence\fi &
        \ifnum\value{Intelligence}>-6 \arabic{Intelligence}\fi &
        Wits & \arabic{Wits} &
        \ifnum\value{Charisma}>-6 Charisma\fi &
        \ifnum\value{Charisma}>-6 \arabic{Charisma}\fi
    %%                               _        _       
    %%  ___ ___  _ __ ___  _ __  ___| |_ __ _| |_ ___ 
    %% / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ _` | __/ __|
    %%| (_| (_) | | | | | | |_) \__ \ || (_| | |_\__ \
    %% \___\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|___/\__\__,_|\__|___/
    %%                    |_|                         
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      % Stats for allies don't need to show Combat +1 as 'TN 8 to hit', they just need to show '+1'.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \divide\value{armourDR} by 2%
        \divide\value{dr} by 2%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \setcounter{maxWeight}{\value{hp}}% now to compute encumbrance
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%     _               _        _
    %%  __| | ___ _ __ ___| |_ __ _| |_ ___ 
    %% / _` |/ _ \ '__/ __| __/ _` | __/ __|
    %%| (_| |  __/ |  \__ \ || (_| | |_\__ \
    %% \__,_|\___|_|  |___/\__\__,_|\__|___/
    %% dice instead of Damage
    %% print out att, spd, DAM, dex, dr (type), str
        \scshape AP \ifnum\value{ap}<1 $\frac{1}{2}$ \else \arabic{ap}\fi%
        \ifnumcomp{\value{heft}}{>}{1}{ (AP Cost: \arabic{heft})}{},
        Att %
        \mbox{Dam \dmg{damage},\space}%
            \mbox{DR \arabic{dr}%
              { (\arabic{covering}!)}, }%
            MP \arabic{mp},
          SP \arabic{sp}, %
            \Glsentrytext{weight} held~\arabic{weight},%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %% __  ______  
    %% \ \/ /  _ \ 
    %%  \  /| |_) |
    %%  /  \|  __/ 
    %% /_/\_\_|    
      %%% Now to get the XP value of the creature's attack ability.
      %%% = Attack (TN) * Dam + max((spd-hef),mp)^2
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        title={\Sw\ #2},
        before upper={\parindent0pt},
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \Gls{ap}: \arabic{ap} & Att: $\arabic{att} - HP$ 
        & Speed: \arabic{Speed}
        & Wits: \arabic{Wits}
        & Dam: 1
        {HP: \arabic{hp}
        & \\ %
        \par\textbf{Abilities:} \Abilities
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Creature Abilities
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \setcounter{weaponWeight}{0}% Stop EP showing.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Acid spray (\glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{age} to dodge or \showDam~Damage)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{#1 body (inflict \showDam~Damage each turn of grappling)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Regeneration (1 \glsentrytext{hp}/ round, max. \arabic{track})}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Viscid (on a tie, the attacker must inflict Damage, but the weapon sticks into the body, \glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{track}  to pull out)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Liquid (non-fire Damage removes 2~\glsentrytext{hp} but creates a 1~\glsentrytext{hp} copy)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Claws (+1~Damage)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Fiery breath (range: \arabic{enc} \glspl{step}, Dam: \showDam\ifnum\value{mp}>0\ plus 1 per \glsentrytext{mp} spent\fi)}%
    % To fly, creatures should have Speed
    % + Dexterity greater than Strength +
    % DR.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Wings %
        (can glide, but not fly)
          (moves at x8 speed, must run before takeoff)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          (moves at x8 speed)%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Stench (breathing in demands \roll{Strength}{Wyldcrafting} check, \glsentrytext{tn}~\arabic{track},
      or take 3 \glspl{ep})}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Gas (receive hallucinations and \arabic{track}~\glspl{ep} per round)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Quadraped (double movement)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Octoped (double movement)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{\arabic{track}~tentacles (grapple up to \arabic{enc} opponents without going prone)}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Venom (grappling attack inflicts \showDam~\glsfmtlongpl{ep})}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \addAbility{Web (\roll{Strength}{Athletics}, \glsentrytext{tn} \arabic{track} to break free for 1~\glsentrytext{ap})}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Magic Path
    \newcommand{\Spheres}[1]{ \\
      \raggedright \ent{Spheres} & #1