\talisman{Scroll of Friendship}% Name
{warp}% Action
{Fire,Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resistance
{The scroll, once burnt, creates \arabic{spellTargets} copies of the illusionist, all around them}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Blood Candle}% Name
{duplicated}% Enhancements
{Wax}% Action
{Air,Water}% Spheres
{Ambient noise}% Resistance
{Once lit, the frozen blood around the outside of the candle begins to melt, and `bleed'.
If the room remains quiet, everyone present regains \showDam~\glspl{fp}}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Miner's Tobacco}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Air}% Spheres
{Wind speed}% Resistance
{Once lit in a burning pipe, the tobacco produces a bubble of immovably stagnant air around it.
Projectiles shot at the user receive a -\arabic{spellPlusTwo} penalty, and the user can resist the effects of any gasses with a +\arabic{spellPlusTwo} Bonus}% Summary
The tobacco has enough for \stepcounter{r3}\arabic{r3} uses, each of which lasts for around 10 minutes.
}% Details
\talisman{Ocean's Phial}% Name
{Wax}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{stagnant water}% Resistance
Drop it in any large body of water, and watch the water whirl!
Anyone in or near the water gets dragged down or thrown back, depending on the body of water's magnitude}% Summary
The phial will take a -3 penalty for use next to small bodies of water, such as puddles, or a +3 Bonus when used on people \emph{inside} a raging river.
}% Details
\talisman{Hag's Finger}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{\roll{Charisma}{Stealth}}% Resistance
{Point the mummified finger at a cretin, then crack the finger's knuckle till it breaks.
The cretin will suffer \arabic{spellPlusTwo} encounters before the next day's light}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Home Scroll}% Name
{Warp}% Action
{Earth,Fire}% Spheres
{movement, such as wind}% Resistance
{This scroll searches for somewhere windless and calm, around a day's walk, and then opens a rift in space to that location}% Summary
\talisman{Safety Scroll}% Name
{divergent, detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Air, Fate, Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{motion of any kind}% Resistance
{The scroll's reader stops feeling all pain, or even their own body's weight.
Their \gls{weight} reduces by \arabic{spellPlusTwo} (weightless characters float) and they reduce any \gls{fatigue} penalty by \arabic{spellCost}.
Any attempts at running and jumping gain a \absNum{spellCost} Bonus}% Summary
The scroll is made from dried papyrus, covered in wax, with ink created with mushrooms and a touch of magnetite.}% Details
\talisman{Crunchy Snack}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Water, Earth}% Spheres
{\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resistance
{The item is a baby mouth-digger, suspended in its mother's birthing sack.
Eating one requires a \roll{Strength}{Tactics} check, to crunch the creature's bones without breaking any teeth (\tn[6]), and once eaten, the consumer begins to shrink, losing \arabic{spellCost} Strength}% Summary
Underground travellers occasionally travel with a few of these creatures, in order to fit through small underground tunnels.}% Details