Point the mummified finger at a cretin, then crack the finger's knuckle till it breaks.
{Point the mummified finger at a cretin, then crack the finger's knuckle till it breaks.
The cretin will suffer \arabic{spellPlusTwo} encounters before the next day's light}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Home Scroll}% Name
{detailed,distant,duplicated}% Enhancements
{detailed,distant,duplicated}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Earth,Fire}% Spheres
{movement, such as wind}% Resistance
This scroll searches for somewhere windless and calm, around a day's walk, and then opens a rift in space to that location}% Summary
{This scroll searches for somewhere windless and calm, around a day's walk, and then opens a rift in space to that location}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Safety Scroll}% Name
{divergent, detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Air, Fate, Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{motion of any kind}% Resistance
{The scroll's reader stops feeling all pain, or even their own body's weight.
Their \gls{weight} reduces by \arabic{spellPlusTwo} (weightless characters float) and they reduce any \gls{fatigue} penalty by \arabic{spellCost}.
Any attempts at running and jumping gain a \absNum{spellCost} Bonus}% Summary
The scroll is made from dried papyrus, covered in wax, with ink created with mushrooms and a touch of magnetite.}% Details
\talisman{Crunchy Snack}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Water, Earth}% Spheres
{\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resistance
{The item is a baby mouth-digger, suspended in its mother's birthing sack.
Eating one requires a \roll{Strength}{Tactics} check, to crunch the creature's bones without breaking any teeth (\tn[6]), and once eaten, the consumer begins to shrink, losing \arabic{spellCost} Strength}% Summary
Underground travellers occasionally travel with a few of these creatures, in order to fit through small underground tunnels.}% Details