{The scroll, once burnt, creates \arabic{spellTargets} copies of the illusionist, all around them.}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Blood Candle}% Name
{duplicated}% Enhancements
{Wax}% Action
{Air,Water}% Spheres
{Ambient noise}% Resistance
{Once lit, the frozen blood around the outside of the candle begins to melt, and `bleed'.
If the room remains quiet, everyone present regains \showDam~\glspl{fp}.}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Miner's Tobacco}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Air}% Spheres
{Wind speed}% Resistance
{Once lit in a burning pipe, the tobacco produces a bubble of immovably stagnant air around it.
Projectiles shot at the user receive a -\arabic{spellPlusTwo} penalty, and the user can resist the effects of any gasses with a +\arabic{spellPlusTwo} Bonus.}% Summary
The tobacco has enough for \stepcounter{r3}\arabic{r3} uses, each of which lasts for around 10 minutes.