Desktop 0.21.6
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- 0.21.6 broken in linux mint
- systray menu does not appear [linux]
- How to run built riseupvpn in OSX
- Unexpected update behavior
- Tapping on 'about' leads to beachball of death
- don't start automaticly ubuntu
- About / Donate windows are not shown on top
- blank systray icon
- click events getting swallowed up on Lubuntu
- Could not find polkit agent.
- improve error dialog if could not find helper running
Completed Issues (closed)
- webapp blocked by DNS
- make donation popup less intrusive
- open tcp management port
- Gateway selection
- A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
- How to uninstall OSX
- Picklocation menu disappears when you pick a location
- RiseupVPN version: 0.21.6-3-g483636c on Mac shows Bitmask in the menu instead of riseup
- calyxvpn breaks because of missing locations block
- need to fetch gateway list on startup
- snap crash: failed to create OpenGL context
- snap crashes at prlimit64 syscall
- systray icon has a black border [linux]
- sudo make depends fails on mac osx big sur
- Riseupvpn crashes on Kubuntu 18.04
- Tarballs don't build, only the full git repo does
- osx: missing liblz4 lib in the bundle
- crash on osx 10.13
- make install_go fails on Ubuntu Groovy
- Application name on OSX should be branded too
- Donation link not working
- osx: EXITING: SIGINT event is not captured as vpn state off
- Debian package lacks Desktop Entry file
- ensure two branded clients can coexist
- build openvpn for osx
- no desktop launcher file added after snap install on debian-buster