{The caster increases any force acting on a target, increasing the Damage by \arabic{spellCost}. This requires acting at the same \glspl{ap} level}% Description
{For example, when someone aims a bow to strike a bandit, the caster calls to the arrow to fly fast, and it inflicts +1 Damage.
The caster cannot use this spell to attack directly, as they cannot attack at the same time as casting.}
{carried items' total \gls{weight}}% Resist with
{The caster shakes their head emphatically, and the target gain a plus \arabic{spellCost} bonus to running}% Description
{They feel suddenly lighter, as if being carried.
However, this spell does not help with carrying heavy items.}
{A magical doorway appears, connecting two spaces.
Creatures with a \gls{weight} of \arabic{spellTargets} or less can fit through}% Description
{While it may seem that the spell has two targets, in fact it has one, because the two spaces become one.
{A small magical doorway covers a passage, doorway or other opening, connecting two spaces.
Creatures with a \gls{weight} of \arabic{spellTargets} or less can fit through before it collapses}% Description
{While it may seem that the spell has two targets, in fact it has one, because the two spaces become one at the point of casting.}
These portals degrade over time, since even the wind corrodes the delicate edges.
\spell{Telekinetic Fist}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wax}% Action
{Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{\roll{Dexterity}{Brawl}}% Resist with
{The caster increases any force acting on a target, increasing the Damage by \arabic{spellCost}. This requires acting at the same \glspl{ap} level}% Description
{For example, when someone aims a bow to strike a bandit, the caster calls to the arrow to fly fast, and it inflicts +1 Damage.
The caster cannot use this spell to attack directly, as they cannot attack at the same time as casting.}
Creatures with a \gls{weight} of up to \arabic{spellTargets} can fit through the door, but any over that will brush against the side of the delicate edges of the portal, destroying it.
Anyone with a \gls{weight} 1 point over the portal's maximum can attempt to rush through it with a \roll{Speed}{Athletics} check.
Success means the creature has gone through before the portal closes, failure will shunt them back with an explosive `pop', inflicting \arabic{spellCost}\glspl{fatigue}.