% __ __ _
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% | |\/| |/ _` |/ _` | |/ __|
% | | | | (_| | (_| | | (__
% |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|\___|
% |___/
% Some spells inflict X fatigue, where X is the spell level plus 2.
\renewcommand\spellRange{throwing distance}%
\renewcommand\spellRange{shouting distance}%
\renewcommand\spellRange{line of sight}%
% What bonus does the caster receive? Some spells will display the caster's current Bonus, so we must calculate it. We start by setting it sky-high, then for each element in {Earth,Fire}, et c. we check if this is lower than the current castingBonus, if (if so), lower the bonus.
\foreach \e in {#4}{%
\multiply\value{spellTargets} by \value{spellCost}%
\multiply\value{spellTargets} by \value{spellCost}%
\foreach \x in {1,...,\arabic{spellCost}}%
{\multiply\value{spellTargets} by 10\addtocounter{spellTargets}{0}}%
\index[spells]{\textbf{#1} (Cost: \arabic{spellCost}, \spellEnhancements\ \spellAction~\spellSphere) Range: \spellRange, Targets: \arabic{spellTargets}, Resisted by: \detokenize{#5}, \spellSum}
Cost: \arabic{spellCost},
Resisted by: \spellResistance,
Range: \spellRange
, Targets: \arabic{spellTargets}
\spellSum \
(Cost: \arabic{spellCost},
Resisted by: \spellResistance, \tn[\arabic{castingBonus}]%
Roll: \absNum{castingBonus}, \gls{tn} set by \spellResistance.
\foreach \s in {Light,Death,Life,Mind,Force,Earth,Air,Fire,Water,Fate}{
\foreach \s in {#1}{
\spellName\ talisman%
Resisted by: \spellResistance\ (\tn[\arabic{castingBonus}])
Roll: \absNum{castingBonus}, \gls{tn} set by \spellResistance.