\spell{Cold Steam}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{Some body of liquid -- up to a barrel's worth -- instantly turns to mist, then quickly coalesces, soaking anything in the area}% Description
{Torches struggle to keep aflame as an entire room can become soaked.
When cast on a mostly-liquid creature, such as oozes, this spell deals \showDam~Damage.}
\spell{Barrel Breaker}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{ambient temperature}% Resist with
{Some body of liquid -- up to a barrel's worth -- instantly freezes solid}% Description
{Barrels full of liquid rearrange into the new shape, unless the barrel is full; when this happens, the barrel breaks.
Anyone wading through this frozen water becomes covered in clinging ice, which has \pgls{weight} of \arabic{spellPlusTwo}.}