{The caster shakes their head emphatically, and the target gain a +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Bonus to running}% Description
{They feel suddenly lighter, as if being carried.
However, this spell does not help with carrying heavy items.}
\spell{Clambour}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{thickness of wall}% Resist with
{The caster explains someone's good qualities to a wall, and the person gains a \absNum{spellPlusOne} Bonus to climbing it}% Description
This spell works better on thick walls, as the caster manipulates the force of their weight into helping the climb, but thin surfaces, such as wood gives the spell \pgls{tn} of 10, while curtains would have \tn[12].}
{`Disgusting', the caster shouts, and \arabic{spellTargets} barrels' worth of water become acidic (\showDam~Damage per round of total submersion)}% Description
Armour or clothing of any type can remove an amount of Damage equal to its Covering rating, but if the Damage equals the armour's \gls{dr} then the armour degrades and begins to fall apart within \arabic{spellCost} rounds as leather straps and string degrade.
Armour or clothing of any type can remove an amount of Damage equal to its \gls{covering}, but if the Damage equals the armour's \gls{dr} then the armour degrades and begins to fall apart within \arabic{spellCost} rounds as leather straps and string degrade.
Fast rivers, or wide waters dissipate the acid and reduce the Damage.
Splitting it into small receptacles reduces it by even more.
\spell{Ice Prison}% Name
{Detailed}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{\roll{Speed}{Athletics}}% Resist with
{The caster tells any target in water to calm down, and the surrounding water forms clumps of ice, inflicting a \absNum{spellPlusTwo} Penalty to movement.
It also provides \gls{dr}~\arabic{spellPlusTwo}, but only has \pgls{covering} of \arabic{spellCost}.
Any Damage to the ice reduces each of its stats}% Description
If the target cannot move due to the ice, they count as entangled.
If the target manages to leave the water, the ice has \pgls{weight} of \arabic{spellPlusTwo} (while still inside the water, it floats).}