\makeindex[name=spells,title={Spell Summaries},columns=2]
\begin{nametable}[L||L|L|L|L|L|L]{Skill Table}
& \textbf{Strength} & \textbf{Dexterity} & \textbf{Speed} & \textbf{Intelligence} & \textbf{Wits} & \textbf{Charisma} \\\hline\hline
\textbf{Academics} & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
\textbf{Athletics} & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
\textbf{Deceit} & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
\textbf{Stealth} & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Slipping into a party uninvited \\\hline
\textbf{Survival} & Wrestling a~boar & Moving through dense undergrowth & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling information about the woods \\\hline
\textbf{Vigilance} & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
\begin{nametable}[l|X]{Craft Requirements}
Academics & Books, scrolls, and bookcases. \\
Caving & Rope, carts, pulleys, and alcohol lanterns. \\
Combat & Making swords, armour, scabbards, maces, and polearms. \\
Cultivation & Fences, rope, houses, blankets, practical clothing and saddles. \\
Empathy & Jewellery, fancy clothing, and paints. \\
Deceit & Disguises. \\
Medicine & Bandages, casts, and fake eyes. \\
Performance & Instruments, auditoriums, and theatres. \\
Projectiles & Bows, crossbows, arrows, quivers, and bolts. \\
Seafaring & Boats, sails, rope, and anchors. \\
\textbf{Improvised Weapon} & \textbf{Attack Bonus} & \textbf{Damage Bonus} & \textbf{\Glsfmtshort{ap} Cost} & \textbf{\Gls{weight}} \\\hline
\textbf{Weapon} & \textbf{\small Attack Bonus} & \textbf{\small Damage Bonus} & \textbf{\Glsfmtshort{ap} \small Cost} & \textbf{\small \Gls{weight}} \\\hline
\textbf{Esoteric Weapons} & \textbf{Attack Bonus} & \textbf{Damage Bonus} & \textbf{\Glsfmtshort{ap} Cost} & \textbf{\Gls{weight}} \\\hline
\textbf{Shield} & \textbf{Defence Bonus} & \textbf{Damage Bonus} & \textbf{\Glsfmtshort{ap} Cost} & \textbf{\Gls{weight}} \\\hline
\showWeapon{\buckler} \\
\showWeapon{\roundshield} \\
\showWeapon{\kiteshield} \\
\textbf{Roll} & \textbf{Result} & \textbf{Damage} \\\hline
$\leq$ \gls{tn} - your Covering & Opponent scores \gls{vitalShot}! & You take full Damage \\
< \gls{tn} but > \gls{tn} - your Covering & Opponent hits you & Your \gls{dr} reduces Damage \\
> \gls{tn} but < \gls{tn} + opponent's Covering & You hit the opponent & Opponent's \gls{dr} reduces Damage \\
$\geq$ \gls{tn} + opponent's Covering & You score \gls{vitalShot}! & Opponent takes full Damage \\
\textbf{Armour} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{dr}} & \textbf{\glsentrytext{covering}} & \textbf{Weight} \\\hline
\showArmour{\partialpadded} \\
\showArmour{\partialleather} \\
\showArmour{\completeleather} \\
\showArmour{\partialchain} \\
\showArmour{\completechain} \\
\showArmour{\partialplate} \\
\showArmour{\completeplate} \\
{\textgreater}10 & The characters escape their pursuers after travelling through \pgls{area}. \\
9 & Both run through 1 \gls{area}, then the characters select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
8 & Both run through 2 \glspl{area}, then the characters select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
7 & Both run through 3 \glspl{area} then roll again. \\
6 & Both run through 2 \glspl{area}, then the pursuers select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
5 & Both run through 1 \gls{area}, then the pursuers select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
{\textless}4 & The characters escape their pursuers after running through \pgls{area}. \\
{\textgreater}10 & The characters capture their quarry after travelling through \pgls{area}. \\
9 & Both run through 1 \gls{area}, then the characters select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
8 & Both run through 2 \glspl{area}, then the characters select a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
7 & Both run through 3 \glspl{area} then roll again. \\
6 & Both run through 2 \glspl{area}, then the quarry selects a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
5 & Both run through 1 \gls{area}, then the quarry selects a new Skill, and both roll again. \\
{\textless}4 & The quarry escapes the characters after running through \pgls{area}. \\
\textbf{Projectile} & \textbf{\Gls{ap}} & \textbf{Damage} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Reload Time} \\\hline
Light Crossbow & 1 & \dmg{4} & 2 & 1 \glspl{round} \\
Standard Crossbow & 1 & \dmg{8} & 4 & 2 \glspl{round} \\
Heavy Crossbow & 1 & \dmg{10} & 5 & 2 \glspl{round} \\
Shortbow & 1 & \dmg{3} & 1 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
Hunting Bow & 3 & \dmg{5} & 1 & 4 - extra Str \glspl{ap} \\
Longbow & 5 & \dmg{7} & 1 & 4 - extra Str \glspl{ap} \\
Throwing knives & 2 & \dmg{3} & 1/10 & 1 \gls{ap} \\
\begin{nametable}[cccL]{Larceny Roll}
\textbf{\Gls{village}} & \textbf{Town} & \textbf{City} & \textbf{Result} \\
17 & 15 & 14 & $2D6 \times 20$ \gls{cp} from a noble's servant. \\
16 & 14 & 13 & $2D6 \times 15$ \gls{cp} from a traveller. \\
15 & 13 & 12 & $2D6 \times 10$ \gls{cp} from a trader. \\
14 & 12 & 11 & $2D6 \times 5$ \gls{cp} from an old lady. \\
13 & 11 & 10 & No good targets found \\
12 & 10 & 9 & Caught red handed! -- roll a `snatch and run'. \\
11 & 9 & 8 & Caught red handed and surrounded! \\
\arabic{Strength} & \arabic{enc}~\ifnum\value{enc}>1\glspl{step}\else\gls{step}\fi & \dmg{damage} & \arabic{tn} / \arabic{track} \\