@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ Each weapon has the following properties:
It represents a weapon's inertia (and hence difficulty in pulling it back from a swing), and allows enemies with lighter weapons to `close the gap'.
\textbf{The \glsentryname{weight}:} means that your character must have at least double this number of \glspl{hp}, or they will struggle to use the weapon.
Academics & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
Athletics & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
Deceit & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
Stealth & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Slipping into a party uninvited \\\hline
Vigilance & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
Wyldcrafting & Wrestling a~boar & Untying a~horse's bridle & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling vegetables \\\hline
\textbf{Academics}& Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\\hline
\textbf{Athletics}& Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\\hline
\textbf{Deceit}& Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\\hline
\textbf{Stealth}& Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Slipping into a party uninvited \\\hline
\textbf{Vigilance}& Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Finding the best con target at a banquet \\
\textbf{Wyldcrafting}& Wrestling a~boar & Untying a~horse's bridle & Fleeing a stampede & Planning a new, hidden trail & Foraging for a quick meal & Selling vegetables \\\hline
It's used to attack, parry, block and also to aim projectile weapons.
It is slightly less visible than the other Body Attributes, but others can still see the control over movement, especially when movement becomes difficult, as when hopping across challenging and changeable terrain.