- Jan 15, 2019
meskio authored
meskio authored
Let's use a more structured folder system: https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout - Resolves: #99
- Jan 12, 2019
- Resolves: riseup_vpn#46
- Jan 09, 2019
- Jan 03, 2019
- Dec 21, 2018
meskio authored
Is not uncommon for the systray to be launched without internet access. For example in the autostart if the network hasn't come up yet. Let's fetch the vpn cert when the vpn is starting, instead of in the initialization of the standalone bitmask. So if the initialization happens when there is no network the systray doesn't fail to start. - Resolves: #88
meskio authored
The linux version of the notifications library we are using doesn't handle the gtk.main loop. It requires the systray to be running to be able to display a notification. Spliting the start of the systray and the loop we can start the systray pretty early and later on launch the main loop once we have bitmask and other stuff ready. - Related: #88
- Dec 20, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
- Dec 19, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
we try to use the geoip service, and if the answer has an entry for the sorted gateways, we just use it instead of using the timezone heuristic. - Resolves: #84
- Dec 13, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
- Dec 12, 2018
meskio authored
Get local timezone and http client as configurable things in bonafide, so tests can set them. Also separate integration tests and unit tests.
- Nov 29, 2018
meskio authored
We can do just with two buttons and changing the names.
- Nov 23, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
Kali Kaneko authored
- Nov 22, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
meskio authored
- Nov 21, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
it turns out that "full path" is still a relative path, and therefore not allowed as a GOPATH.
Kali Kaneko authored
Kali Kaneko authored
- Nov 20, 2018
meskio authored
meskio authored
Add to 'make generate_locales' the generation of a 'transifex/messages.json' that will be automatically pulled by transifex for translations. To incorporate translations from transifex into our project we'll need to manually download the selected translations and convert them with the transifex program into gotext format. -Resolves: #73
- Nov 14, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
this adds upstream PR #74
meskio authored
meskio authored
In case of SNAP environment we need to execute the /snap/bin/app.launcher and not os.Args[0]. - Resolves: #82
- Nov 12, 2018
meskio authored
This commit includes a hack to prioritize giraffe, a new riseup gateway in europe to reduce the load in the existing node. - Resolves: #81
- Oct 29, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
setting TMPDIR attempted to end the noisy error message about using TMP producing non readable messages. however, this produces invisible icons in bionic. See riseup_vpn#44
- Oct 25, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
after https://github.com/getlantern/systray/commit/5fb0feca3c0677e9fa31e579ff69631f49a379a2 was merged, we don't need to keep using the vendoring of systray. there is some flickering with the stop/start/cancel menu items chening their orderning that still needs to be solved.
meskio authored
When there is a pid file from a previous crash, in some situations the pid has being reused by the operative system for other processes. Let's check that the exectuable name maches the name of the systray binary. - Resolves: #50
meskio authored
- Resolves: #26
meskio authored
- Oct 16, 2018
Kali Kaneko authored
Kali Kaneko authored
Kali Kaneko authored
- Oct 11, 2018
- Resolves: #64
- Oct 10, 2018
if we're running from snap, we take the version string from a file in the snap folder. the version.sh script is executed during the creation of the snap, and is expected to write a version.txt file in the snap/ folder.
meskio authored
Stop generating one file in /tmp for each icon change. Let's move the clean up to the set icon instead of waiting for the quit clean up. Unlink will remove the file from /tmp, but app_indicator will hold a descriptor until it finishes with it. This is a cherry-pick from a pull-request upstream: https://github.com/getlantern/systray/pull/63 - Resolves: #60
meskio authored