{detailed,duplicated}% Enhancements
{All \arabic{spellTargets} targets begin to convulse as their bodies flood with super-charged magic.
They either grow large (incrasing their Strength, and with it, \glspl{hp}), or become fast}% Description
{The unnatural stress placed on the body makes the targets grow tired, fast.
They gain twice the normal \glspl{fatigue} for as long as the spell lasts, and it lasts until the targets starve till the point of near-death, reaching a -4 penalty from \glspl{fatigue}.
While in this heightened state, targets can also \glspl{fatigue} and \glspl{hp} at twice the standard rate.
The spell can be cast twice, but the \glspl{fatigue} penalties become immense, quickly.
By the second casting, someone who would gain 3 \glspl{fatigue} instead gains 12.