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  • \ProvidesPackage{config/layout}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
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    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \RequirePackage{imakeidx}% for spell summaries
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \RequirePackage{gfsartemisia-euler} % fancy fonts
    \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % 
    \RequirePackage{starfont} % for creature symbols
    \RequirePackage{wasysym} % for sq checkboxes
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \RequirePackage{geometry} % changes page borders
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \RequirePackage{epigraph} % part quotes
    \RequirePackage{microtype} % more precise word-placement
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \RequirePackage{fourier-orns}% for fancy headrules
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \usetikzlibrary{calc,mindmap,trees}% calc for fancy borders
      \usetikzlibrary{intersections}% for very fancy borders with intersecting lines
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \usetikzlibrary{decorations.text}% for text along circle paths in cs
      \usetikzlibrary{shapes.misc}% for very fancy \section
      \usetikzlibrary{shapes.callouts}% for labels on the cs
      \usetikzlibrary{patterns}% for the pattern 'gridspecks'
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \tcbuselibrary{skins} % used for wiggly-border boxes
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%% Add fancy page chapter sides %%%%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %% Redefine plain page style, and use it for every page.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \fancyhf{}% clear all header and footer fields
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\BGvadjust}{ -2 * (\value{chapter} - 1)}
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    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          \def\BGpageanchor{current page.north west}
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    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
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              text centered,
              inner sep=4pt,
              text width=4ex,
              text height=4ex,
              text depth=3ex,
              text width=14em,
            ] {\BGmark};
    % redefinition of \chaptermark to contain only the number and title (no 'Chapter 1: Pogs', just '1: Pogs')
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%% Allow for external referencing
        {\typeout{No file #1.}
    % Argument 1: The target git directory (e.g. 'core')
    % Argument 2: What to call that directory (e.g. 'the core rules')
    % Argument 3: Which label you're referring to
    \iftoggle{#1}{\footnote{\nameref{#3}: #2, \autopageref{#3}.}}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%% Section Headers %%%%%%%%%%
    %%% Allow quotes under part headers
    %%%%%%%%%% Give higher penalty to ~
    % The ~ character usually functions as a space with a high penalty for line breaks.
    % This stops the line breaks altogether, so we can write 'Athletics 3', without a line-break between the Skill and the number.
       \leavevmode\nobreak\ }
    \catcode `\~=13
    %%%%% Make table of contents two column
    % and make repeating function
      \expandafter\@Repeat\expandafter{\the\numexpr #1\relax}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
            \expandafter\@@Repeat\expandafter{\the\numexpr #1-1\expandafter\relax\expandafter}%
    % This allows us to compare two strings. What other wonders will LaTeX bring in the future?  Perhaps subtraction syntax one day.
      \str_if_eq:eeTF { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } { #4 }
    % This function divides a number by two, and rounds it up.
      \divide\value{#1} by 2
      \addtocounter{#1}{0}% Think this line's pointless? Try removing it and seeing what happens - I dare you.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % change bullet points
    %%%%%%%%%% Encounter Numbers
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          before upper={\parindent0pt},
          finish fading vignette={size=0.02\textwidth},
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \node [black, font=\bfseries] at (0.#2,0.#3) {#4 #1};
      \begin{tikzpicture}[every shadow/.style={
          shadow blur invert,
          shadow xshift=-1pt,
          shadow yshift=-3pt
          \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\pic{#3}};
              x={(image.south east)},
              y={(image.north west)}
              \foreach \mNum/\mX/\mY in {#4}{
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
          \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\pic{#2}};
              x={(image.south east)},
              y={(image.north west)}
              \foreach \mNum/\mX/\mY in {#3}{
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Define the 'ornamentedbox' environment
    % Wiggly Borders
      use path for main/.code={%
          \expandafter\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname
      use path for actions/.code={%
        \expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@preactions\expandafter{\tikz@preactions\expandafter\let\expandafter\tikz@actions@path\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
      use path/.style={%
        use path for main=#1,
        use path for actions=#1,
    \tikzset{ornamented frame inner/.style={color=\pageSideColor,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
                                            line width=2pt},
             ornamented frame outer/.style={color=black,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
                                            line width=3pt}}
      skin first=ornamented,  skin last=ornamented,
      title engine=standard,
      frame code={
        % Account for the line widths in order not to draw beyond the bounding
        % box---except for a few very small details for which this is intentional.
        \coordinate (north west) at ([shift={(1.5pt,-1.5pt)}]frame.north west);
        \coordinate (north east) at ([shift={(-1.5pt,-1.5pt)}]frame.north east);
        \coordinate (south east) at ([shift={(-1.5pt,1.5pt)}]frame.south east);
        \coordinate (south west) at ([shift={(1.5pt,1.5pt)}]frame.south west);
        \foreach \xoffset/\point in {34pt/north west, -34pt/north east,
                                      34pt/south west, -34pt/south east} {
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
            ([xshift=\xoffset]\point) circle[radius=2.5pt];
        \path[name path=ornament 1]
                                     ([yshift=-4pt]north west)
          [rounded corners=0.5pt] -- ++(23pt,0)
          [rounded corners=2pt]   -- ++(3pt,-4pt)
                                  -- ([shift={(-26pt,-8pt)}]north east)
          [rounded corners=0.5pt] -- ++(3pt,4pt)
          [rounded corners=4pt]   -- ([yshift=-4pt]north east)
                                  -- ([yshift=4pt]south east)
          [rounded corners=0.5pt] -- ++(-23pt,0)
          [rounded corners=2pt]   -- ++(-3pt,4pt)
                                  -- ([shift={(26pt,8pt)}]south west)
          [rounded corners=0.5pt] -- ++(-3pt,-4pt)
          [rounded corners=4pt]   -- ([yshift=4pt]south west)
                                  -- cycle;
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                                     ([yshift=-20pt]north west)
                                  -- ++(-4pt,3pt)
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                 to[out=-90, in=180] ([shift={(4pt,-13pt)}]north east)
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                                  -- ++(4pt,-3pt)
                                  -- ++(0,-4pt)
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                                  -- ++(0,4pt)
                                  -- ++(4pt,3pt)
                                  -- cycle;
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              \addtocounter{dr}{7}\multiply\value{dr} by 2\includesvg[width=\thedr pt]{config/images/l1}
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            \multiply\value{mp} by 2
            \includesvg[angle=270,width=\themp pt]{config/images/b1}
        \node at ([xshift=-5pt,yshift=35pt] south west)
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
            \multiply\value{att} by 2
            \includesvg[angle=340,width=\theatt pt]{config/images/s1}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % These parameters---especially those related to geometry---are better located
    % here in a style than in the subskin definition (see the Subskins section of
    % the tcolorbox manual).
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Convenient style to use with a tcolorbox preceded by text (or anything),
    % when one wants to prevent any page break before the tcolorbox.
    \tcbset{skip and no break/.style={
    % Style suitable for an “on line” (in the middle of a paragraph)
    % 'ornamentedbox'.
    \tcbset{my on line/.style={
      capture=hbox, tcbox raise base, top=14pt, bottom=14pt,
      before={\kern 5pt}, after={\kern 5pt}}
    %%%%% TColorBox Basic Setup %%%%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    before upper={\parindent15pt},
    fonttitle=\bfseries,coltitle=black,attach boxed title to top center=
    boxed title style={boxrule=-0.5mm,
    frame code={ \path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift=-4mm]frame.west)
    -- (frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift=4mm]frame.east)
    -- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle; },
    interior code={ \path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift=-2mm]interior.west)
    -- (interior.north west) -- (interior.north east)
    -- ([xshift=2mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west)
    -- cycle;}
      fonttitle=\scshape, #1
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Chapter Heading Color
    %%%%% Section Formatting %%%%%
        {\scshape\Huge\bfseries #1\par}
        {\Large #2\par}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        {\large This edition bound on \today\par}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \node[minimum width=\linewidth+3em, text=\pageOppositeColor, fill=\pageSideColor, inner sep=1, outer sep=0, anchor=south] (rectinit) {\Huge \headingtype};
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
     \node[minimum width=.75\textwidth, text=white, inner sep=3, outer sep=0, anchor=south west, text width=.75\textwidth, align=right] at (rectinit.south west) (chapname) {};
      \node[minimum width=.25\textwidth, inner sep=-5, outer sep=0, anchor=south west, text width=.25\textwidth, align=left] at (chapname.south east) {\chapnumfont\textcolor{chapnumcol}{\Roman{chapter}}};
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \tikz[baseline,trim left=1em,trim right=8em] {
        \fill [\pageSideColor] (6.6em,1.03em) rectangle (\linewidth+1.8em,-.38em);
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \node [
      text= \pageOppositeColor,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
            anchor= base east,
            rounded rectangle,
            minimum height=1.5em] at (7.3em,-0.05em) {
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%% Character Sheet Tracker
        \newcommand{\tracker}{\center\noindent\iftoggle{examplecharacter}{\iftoggle{bestiarychapter}{}{\ifnum\value{track}=\value{spd}$\Rightarrow$ \fi}}{}\arabic{track}\addtocounter{track}{-1}\vspace{.54cm}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%% NPC Names
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \newcommand{\npc}[2]{\settoggle{personality}{false}\renewcommand{\name}{#1 #2}\renewcommand{\npcsymbol}{#1}}
    \newcommand{\NPC}[5]{\renewcommand{\name}{#1 #2}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TOGGLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % This toggle tells you if this is just one creature or a team.
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RANDOM NUMBERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        test {\ifnumcomp{\value{r4}}{>}{4}}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \divide\value{r3} by 4
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LAYOUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Make floats hug the text.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \subsection{\currentsphere~ Level \arabic{spelllevel}}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \paragraph[(#1) #2: #3]{(#1) Enhancement -- #2:}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \index{Magical Item!#1}
      \textit{Spells: #2, }%
      \textit{Path: #3, }%
      \textit{Duration: #4, }%
      \textit{Type: #5, }%
      \textit{Potency: +#6, }%
      \textit{MP: #7}%
      % Type can be 'Pocket Spell', 'Talisman', or 'Artefact'.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \subsection{#1 (Level #8)}
      \textit{Spells: #2, }\textit{Path: #3, }\textit{Duration: #4, }\textit{Type: #5, }\textit{Potence: #6, }\textit{#7 MP}% Type can be 'pocket spell', 'magical item', or 'artefact'.
      \index{Mana Lakes!#1}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \subsubsection[\textbf{#1}: #4. (\textit{#3})]{#1}
      \index[spells]{\textbf{#1}: #4. (\currentsphere\ Level \arabic{spelllevel}, Type: #2, Skill: #3)}
      {\small\underline{\it Type: #2}, \iftoggle{verbose}{}{\\ }\underline{Skill: #3}}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % Toggles for knacks
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Environments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Roll & Result \\
      { O{\needspace{2em}\vspace{.3cm}\rule{.9\linewidth}{0.2pt}\vspace{.3em}} +b }%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      {\it #2}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      adjusted title=XP Rewards for #1,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    % this shows encounters, and the two counters below show the encounter number
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \newtcolorbox[use counter=enc, use counter=list]{encounters}[1]{
      adjusted title=Encounters in #1,
      code={\index{Encounter Tables}\rowcolors{2}{}{gray!10}\setcounter{enc}{19}\setcounter{list}{18}}}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      adjusted title=#2,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      equal height group=#1
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
      \textbf{Cost:} #1
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \subsubsection[#2]{#1 #2}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \arabic{list}: #2
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    %%%%% Side Quests
    % the first side quest gets a ticked box in the toc.
    % the rest get an empty box, so the GM can tick it once it's ready.
    % Change the tocdepth from 2 to 3 in order to output a miniature table of contents on all side quests
      \begin{tcolorbox}[ornamented,adjusted title={Summary: \sqName}]
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed