\spell{Confusion}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Fate, Water}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Resist with
{The caster addresses the target as the wrong name, and they lose their train of thought.
They take a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} Penalty to Mental Attributes}% Description
\spell{Fascination}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{The casters gives a compliment, and the target becomes enamoured with their current action, finding it hard to stop}% Description
The task always takes the form of a single verb -- `blacksmithing', `walking', `singing' -- never something convoluted like `the mission to kidnap the warden', or `finding the right paints for the colour of a Sunrise'.
\Glspl{npc} targeted by the spell can make a \roll{Wits}{Academics} roll, \tn[8], to break away from the task.
\Glspl{pc} afflicted by the spell cannot gain any further \glspl{xp} for the a full day (four \glspl{interval}), unless they complete the current \gls{interval} without wavering from their task.
Anyone sleeping almost certainly remains asleep, and any rolls to wake up suffer a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty.}