{A small magical doorway covers a passage, doorway or other opening, connecting two spaces.
Creatures with a \gls{weight} of \arabic{spellTargets} or less can fit through before it collapses}% Description
{While it may seem that the spell has two targets, in fact it has one, because the two spaces become one at the point of casting.}
{Wane}% Action
{Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{caster's Strength}% Resist with
{As the caster covers their eyes, they begin to fall slower and slower.
Any Damage from falling reduces by \arabic{spellPlusOne}}% Description
{Wax}% Action
{Earth, Fire}% Spheres
{\roll{Dexterity}{Brawl}}% Resist with
{The caster increases any force acting on a target, increasing the Damage by \arabic{spellPlusOne}.
This requires acting at the same \glspl{ap} level}% Description
{For example, when someone aims a bow to strike a bandit, the caster calls to the arrow to fly fast, and it inflicts +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Damage.
The caster cannot use this spell to attack directly, as they cannot attack at the same time as casting.}