{Wax}% Action
{Fate, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
{The caster makes uncomfortable statements about the target's organs, who then feels sickly and possibly retches.
The target gains \arabic{spellPlusOne}~\glspl{ep}}% Description
{Warp}% Action
{Fate, Air}% Spheres
{target's \glsentrytext{ep} penalty}% Resist with
{The caster's strange stare moves the target into a state of semi-life, granting \gls{dr}~1}% Description
The target no longer bleeds or feels much irritation from pain.
\spell{Sloth}% Name
{}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Fate, Air}% Spheres
{Target's \glsentrytext{ep} penalty}% Resist with
{Target ignores \arabic{spellPlusOne} \glsentrytext{ep} penalties for \pgls{interval}}% Description
{The spell preserves someone's natural bodily functions in the face of decay, tiredness, or poison.
However, they still accumulate \glspl{ep} as normal, and cannot heal any through rest, or other means.}