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  • \section*{Town Market}
    \begin{nametable}[Lcc]{At the \glsentrytext{templeOfFrost}}
      \textbf{Clothing} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \marketItem{Orange Samite Robes}{0}{15}
      \marketItem{Red Samite Robes}{0}{17}
      \marketItem{Purple Travelling Robes}{0}{23}
      \marketItem{Rope, 50'}{1}{2}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \rareMarketItem[8]{Silk rope, 50'}{0}{8}%
        \marketItem[cp]{Rations for a day}{1}{5}
        \marketItem[cp]{Warm clothes}{2}{17}
          Take a little seat by the fire, deary, then tell us the news.
          Welcome to the stitch `n bitch.
          What's the news from the \glsfmtplural{broch}?
      \begin{nametable}[Lcc]{\marketDoula's \glsentrytext{doulaShop}}
        \textbf{Things on shelves} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
        \rareMarketItem{Air \Glsentrytext{boon}}{1}{24}%
        \rareMarketItem{Fire \Glsentrytext{boon}}{1}{24}%
        \rareMarketItem{Earth \Glsentrytext{boon}}{1}{24}%
        \rareMarketItem{Water \Glsentrytext{boon}}{1}{24}%
        \rareMarketItem{Fate \Glsentrytext{boon}}{1}{24}%
        \marketItem{Cup of tea}{0}{0}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \footnotesize She'll purchase any \glsentrytext{ingredient} for \arabic{track}~\glsfmtplural{sp}.
    \begin{nametable}[Xc]{\marketBeastSeller's Working Beasts}
      \textbf{Beasts} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Horse & \mkPrice{20} \\
      Mule & \mkPrice{24} \\
      Hunting Dog & \mkPrice{5} \\
      Donkey & \mkPrice{2} \\
    \begin{nametable}[Lc]{Central Square}
      \textbf{Service} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Boat trip with \ifnum\value{r3}=3 the \composeHumanName\ sisters\else \marketBoatman\fi & \mkPrice[cp]{14}/ mile \\
      Performance by \marketBard, the Minstrel & \mkPrice[cp]{15}/ song \\
      New song composition & \mkPrice{4}/ song \\
        \tiny\composeHumanName, the Fence\footnotemark[1]  & \tiny 50\% and shhh\ldots \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \footnotetext{This item is illegal, and requires a \roll{Charisma}{Empathy} roll (\tn[10]), to gain trust along the line of people who lead to the real seller.
    The item requires one \glsfmttext{interval} to speak to everyone along the way.}
    \begin{nametable}[Lcc]{At the Docks}
      \textbf{Items} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{weight}} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      \rareMarketItem{Griffin feathers Air \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{13}%
      \rareMarketItem{Bear's heart Fire \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{13} %
      \ifnum\value{temperature}=0\rareMarketItem{\Glsentrytext{basilisk} hide Earth \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{13}\fi %
      \rareMarketItem{\Glsentrytext{woodspy} beak Water \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{13} %
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \rareMarketItem{\ifnum\value{temperature}=0 Human blood from the \glsentrytext{court}\else Brown ooze\fi~Fate \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{14}
      Lock-pick set\footnotemark[1] & 1 & \mkPrice{10} \\
      Fake \glsfmtplural{fodder} town-pass\footnotemark[1] & 0 & \mkPrice{4} \\
    \begin{nametable}[Lcc]{At the \glsentrytext{templeOfCuriosity}}
      \textbf{Item} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Rushlights & 0 & \mkPrice[cp]{1} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Writing equipment & 1 & \mkPrice[cp]{20} \\
      Tinder box & 0 & \mkPrice[cp]{3} \\
      Soap & 0 & \mkPrice[cp]{3} \\
      Torch & 1 & \mkPrice[cp]{6} \\
      \textbf{Hospitality} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Hearty Meal & \mkPrice[cp]{5} \\
        Fresh \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{3} \\
      Hardened \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
      Rat Soup & \mkPrice[cp]{2} \\
      Basic room & \mkPrice[cp]{20} \\
      \textbf{Hospitality} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Entrance and ale & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
        Sweet \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
      Savoury \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{5} \\
      Hearty Meal & \mkPrice[cp]{5} \\
      Rat Soup & \mkPrice[cp]{2} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \tiny\marketFence, the Fence\footnotemark[1] & \tiny 50\% and shhh\ldots \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \textbf{Hospitality} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Entrance and cider & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
        Sweet \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
      Savoury \rations & \mkPrice[cp]{5} \\
      Hearty Meal & \mkPrice[cp]{5} \\
      Woodspy Soup & \mkPrice[cp]{4} \\
      \textbf{Hospitality} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Entrance and wine & \mkPrice[cp]{14} \\
      Hearty Meal & \mkPrice[cp]{6} \\
      Nice room & \mkPrice[cp]{20} \\
      Fancy room & \mkPrice[cp]{80} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \begin{nametable}[Lcl]{At the \Glsentrytext{templeOfSickness}}
      \textbf{Cure} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{weight}} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      \rareMarketItem[7]{Fate \Glsentrytext{elixir}}{1}{24}%
      \rareMarketItem[9]{Air \Glsentrytext{elixir}}{1}{24}%
      \rareMarketItem[7]{Fire \Glsentrytext{elixir}}{1}{24}%
      \rareMarketItem[10]{Water \Glsentrytext{elixir}}{1}{24}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \rareMarketItem[7]{Earth \Glsentrytext{elixir}}{1}{24}%
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Medical supplies & 1 & \mkPrice{3} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \Glsfmttext{mixer} \marketMixer\ has $1D3$ of each item and will purchase any \glsentrytext{ingredient} for \mkPrice{11} or \mkPrice{8} for any \glsentrytext{sphere} which the \glsentrytext{temple} currently lacks.
      \textbf{Service} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      Front-row seat & 6~\glsfmtplural{cp} \\
      Back-row seat & 3~\glsfmtplural{cp} \\
      Rotten tomatoes & 1~\glsfmttext{cp} \\
      Snacks & 3~\glsfmtplural{cp} \\
      Bribery\footnote{Bribery is paid to \pgls{sunGuard}.}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      (petty crime) & \mkPrice{30} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      Bribery (minor crime) & \mkPrice{60} \\
      Show of good faith (medium crime)
      \footnote{This gets you a +2 Bonus during the trial.}
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      & \mkPrice{80} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        Three copper in,
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        Ten gold out!
    \begin{nametable}[XXXXXX]{\Gls{sunGuard} Arms Sales}
      \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Attack Bonus} & \textbf{Damage Bonus} & \textbf{\Glsfmtshort{ap} Cost} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \Dagger\weaponName & \arabic{weaponBonus} & \arabic{weaponDamage} & \arabic{heft} & \arabic{weaponWeight} & \mkPrice{4} \\
      \shortsword\weaponName & \arabic{weaponBonus} & \arabic{weaponDamage} & \arabic{heft} & \arabic{weaponWeight} & \mkPrice{9} \\
      \spear\weaponName & \arabic{weaponBonus} & \arabic{weaponDamage} & \arabic{heft} & \arabic{weaponWeight} & \mkPrice{7} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \longsword\weaponName & \arabic{weaponBonus} & \arabic{weaponDamage} & \arabic{heft} & \arabic{weaponWeight} & \mkPrice{13} \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
      \textbf{Projectile} & \textbf{Attack Bonus} & \textbf{Damage} & \textbf{\Gls{ap} Cost} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
      \Glsfmttext{bow} &  +1  & +1 & 3~\glspl{ap} & 1  & \mkPrice{9}  \\
      \Glsfmttext{bow} &  +2  & +2 & 4~\glspl{ap} & 1  & \mkPrice{11}  \\
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
        \Glsfmttext{bow} &  +3  & +3 & 5~\glspl{ap} & 1  & \mkPrice{13}  \\
        \Glsfmttext{bow} &  +4  & +4 & 6~\glspl{ap} & 1  & \mkPrice{15}  \\
      Arrows  &  --- & --- & --- & --- & \mkPrice[cp]{16}  \\
      Bolt  &  --- & --- & --- & --- & \mkPrice[cp]{18}  \\
      \Glsfmttext{crossbow} &  +2  & +2 & 1~\glspl{ap} & 3  & \mkPrice{16}  \\
        \marketWeaponsSeller\ reminds you that all sales are final.
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \begin{nametable}[Lcccc]{At the \Glsentrytext{templeOfHate}}
      \textbf{Armour} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{dr}} & \textbf{\glsentrytext{covering}} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    \begin{nametable}[Lcccc]{At the Tanner's}
      \textbf{Armour} & \textbf{\Glsentrytext{dr}} & \textbf{\glsentrytext{covering}} & \textbf{Weight} & \textbf{Cost} \\\hline
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed