\footnotesize She'll purchase any \glsentrytext{ingredient} for \arabic{track}~\glsfmtplural{sp}.
@@ -74,23 +73,27 @@
New song composition &\mkPrice{4}/ song \\
\tiny\composeHumanName, the Fence &\tiny 50\% and shhh\ldots\\
\tiny\composeHumanName, the Fence\footnotemark[1]&\tiny 50\% and shhh\ldots\\
\footnotetext{This item is illegal, and requires a \roll{Charisma}{Empathy} roll (\tn[10]), to gain trust along the line of people who lead to the real seller.
The item requires one \glsfmttext{interval} to speak to everyone along the way.}
\rareMarketItem{\Glsentrytext{woodspy} beak Water \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{13}%
\rareMarketItem{\ifnum\value{temperature}=0 Human blood from the \glsentrytext{court}\else Brown ooze\fi Fate \Glsentrytext{ingredient}\footnotemark[1]}{1}{14}