{current \glspl{hp} + \gls{dr}}% Resist with
{The caster encourages the target to fight, and the target gains a +\arabic{spellPlusOne} Strength Bonus.
This stacks as usual, so the highest Bonus counts in full (their regular Bonus, or the spell's), and the lowest add only half.
Each added Strength point demands an extra meal every day, and inflicts a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} Charisma penalty due to ugly distortions (along with the loss of an equal number of maximum \glspl{fp}).
Each point of \gls{dr} from armour inflicts 1~Damage}% Description
If the target ever fails to eat their required meals, they return to their normal state.
This makes the spell rather dangerous for warriors, as people will often adjust their weapons and armour to their size, so a spell which wears off at the wrong time may leave them with all the wrong equipment.
This spell is non-cumulative with others of the Life sphere.
Tiny creatures (such as mice or house spiders) count as having Strength -6, so this spell could raise them to Strength -4.