{a fire becomes claws and grabs someone, inflicting \showDam\ Damage on someone}% Description
A fire-source turns into a long arm with claws, and rakes anyone next to it for \showDam~Damage.
\spell{Toothless Fire}% Name
{target fires stop consuming a certain type of material}% Description
This spell changes the basic nature of a fire, so it can no longer burn a certain type of material.
Casters generally use this to stop a fire damaging people, but it could just as easily be used to stop a fire spreading to clothing.
The fire will not stop feeding on whatever allows it to currently burn, so a wood fire will continue burning its wood.
{\arabic{spellTargets} fires go out}% Description
\arabic{spellTargets} fires extinguish, becoming nothing but a wiff of smoke.
Candles are \tn[6], torches \tn[7], hearths \tn[8], and bonfires demand \tn[9] or more.