Intelligent characters understand ideas, remember, well and always come prepared.
Intelligent characters understand ideas, remember well, and always come prepared.
They find their own way home and pick up new languages fluidly.
Intelligence also covers artistic endeavours and a multitude of craftsmanship, whether composing songs or forging armour, picturing the finished product ahead of time will take brains.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Wits is the only Mind Attribute available to animals.
Finally, a character's ability to speak with people, make friends, speak convincingly, lead a group or barter for cheaper goods are all covered under Charisma.
Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their ability to avoid being damaged, because the gods seem to love a chancer.
Charisma also covers characters' luck, and therefore some measure of their ability to avoid being damaged, because the gods seem to love a chancer.%Is this still relevant since FP is now determined by XP?