schleuder-web-5.0.0ff8e5d26 · ·
This version ensures compatibility with Schleuder's version 5.0. It contains two breaking changes (see below), updates several dependencies and fixes support for Ruby v3.3. The oldest supported Ruby-Version is still v2.7. Breaking changes compared to schleuder-web-4.x: * `SECRET_KEY_BASE` now *must* be an environment variable in "production" Rails-env. Previously you alternatively could specify it in `config/secrets.yml`, but that feature was replaced in Rails, and the new concept for credentials is overly complicated for this use case. * No asset compilation anymore. Please drop that step from your deployment code. The stylesheets are simply static files now. This also allowed to drop a few rubygems as dependencies. Additional noteworthy changes: * Errors from contacting schleuder-api-daemon, that previously were written to standard-error prefixed with "WARNING!", now are logged with severity "error" using the Rails logger. * Several rubygems have been updated, including Rails to v7.1.
schleuder-web-4.0.0eb0e3f80 · ·
Version 4.0.0 of Schleuder-web Compatible with all versions 4.x of Schleuder.