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Public Tasks

Public Tasks

Let’s face it: the technology and infrastructure that are available to social movements will not be adequate in the coming years. As we enter a wave of worldwide social unrest and organizing, we are faced with two trends:

  1. Communication technology has become invaluable and integral to nearly all organizing efforts everywhere.
  2. Surveillance of this communication technology has intensified and broadened in ways that people are only now beginning to realize.

We simply do not have the technology or the infrastructure we are going to need. Riseup is working to help build the infrastructure. Ultimately, however, Riseup is only as good as the technology we run. To be able to address the future communication needs of social movements, we are going to need much better tech and we are going to need it real soon.

If you are a programmer, we need your help. Now is the time to use your skills for good, can you give us a hand?

This project is a list of open tasks that need help, view the issue tracker to see them all. In addition here are some more general areas to consider:


The RiseupVPN needs help with the go programming language, firewalling, windows, mac, linux. Please see the issue tracker or come talk to us for how you can contribute to this effort.

Support/Helpy (ruby on rails)

Helpy is the software we use for

Webmail/Roundcube (php)

Roundcube is the software we use for


Sympa is the software we use for

Many things in sympa are not gender-neutral, this makes us sad. It would be nice to fix this.


Not listed here?

  • If you have an idea, please write to us at collective (A) riseup punto net