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Add geolocation lookup feature, fixes #902

Pea Nut requested to merge fix-902 into main

Discussions in menshen#39 and bitmask-core#17 (closed)
Issue: #902

Smaller changes

  • Update bitmask-core
  • Use NewConfigFromURL instead of NewConfig

There is a small bug in the DoGeolocationLookup function. Needs to be merged: bitmask-core!25 (merged)

New fields in provider config

  • STUNServers: list of STUN servers used to get current ip address, can be self hosted, public or a combination. If STUNServers is an empty list, the geolocation lookup is skipped. Also the geolocation lookup feature is only available for v5 (implemented in bitmask-core)
  • countryCodeLookupURL: url that gives us a country code for an ip. Can be empty, then OONI backend is used

New field in systray.json:

  • CountryCode: if the geolocation lookup succeeds, save it. Use it if future geolocation lookups fail

New behaviour/changes

  • added new fields to providers/vendor.conf (STUNServers should be seperated with a ,)
  • build tooling now supports both fields to create gui/providers/providers.json
  • if geolocation lookup succeeds, we save the country code in systray.json
  • if geolocation lookup fails, we don't have to save it
  • if geolocation lookup fails and we have specified a fallback, bitmask-core uses this fallback country code

To Test

in providers/vendor.conf, change in the riseup section:
STUNServers         =,
countryCodeLookupURL =             (this simulates an overwrite)
ROVIDER=riseup make vendor
PROVIDER=riseup QMAKE=qmake6 make build -j $(nproc)
Run it with V5 (API_VERSION=5 and API_URL=http://localhost:443)

Tests and example:

If geolocation works:

2024-09-04T14:24:16+02:00 DBG Doing geolocataion lookup
2024-09-04T14:24:16+02:00 TRC Trying STUN server
2024-09-04T14:24:16+02:00 TRC Using custom country code lookup url countryCodeLookupURL=
2024-09-04T14:24:16+02:00 DBG Successfully got country code countryCode=FR
2024-09-04T14:24:16+02:00 DBG Saved country code in config file in case future lookups fail

pea@peabox: cat ~/.config/leap/systray.json   
  "LastReminded": "2024-07-30T11:12:04.167090465+02:00",
  "Donated": "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
  "Obfs4": false,
  "UserStoppedVPN": true,
  "DisableAutostart": true,
  "UDP": true,
  "Snowflake": false,
  "KCP": false,
  "CountryCode": "FR"

If geolocation fails use fallback

sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport 3478 -j REJECT

2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 DBG Doing geolocataion lookup
2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 TRC Trying STUN server
2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 WRN Could not get ip using STUN server error="write udp> write: operation not permitted"
2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 TRC Trying STUN server
2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 WRN Could not get ip using STUN server error="write udp> write: operation not permitted"
2024-09-04T14:43:19+02:00 WRN Could not do geolocation lookup err="Could not get ip address with STUN servers. All STUN servers failed. Using fallback country code FR"

Now we only need support for it in menshen :)

Edited by Pea Nut

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