- [ ] control actions from systray
- [ ] add gateway to systray
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
import "./components"
ApplicationWindow {
id: root
visible: true
width: appWidth
minimumWidth: appWidth
maximumWidth: appWidth
height: appHeight
minimumHeight: appHeight
maximumHeight: appHeight
// TODO can move properties to some state sub-item to unclutter
property bool isDonationService: false
property bool showDonationReminder: false
property var locationsModel: []
// TODO get from persistance
property var selectedGateway: "auto"
property var icons: {
"off": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_off.png",
"on": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_on.png",
"wait": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_wait_0.png",
"blocked": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_blocked.png"
source: "qrc:/poppins-bold.ttf"
FontLoader {
id: boldFontMonserrat
source: "qrc:/monserrat-bold.ttf"
FontLoader {
id: robotoFont
source: "qrc:/roboto.ttf"
FontLoader {
id: robotoBoldFont
source: "qrc:/roboto-bold.ttf"
id: loader
asynchronous: true
anchors.fill: parent
target: jsonModel
function onDataChanged() {
let j = jsonModel.getJson()
if (ctx.errors) {
console.debug("errors, setting root.error")
root.error = ctx.errors
} else {
root.error = ""
if (ctx.donateURL) {
if (isAutoLocation()) {
root.selectedGateway = "auto"
// TODO check donation
//if (needsDonate && !shownDonate) {
// donate.visible = true;
// shownDonate = true;
// // move this to onClick of "close" for widget
// backend.donateSeen();
if (ctx.loginDialog == 'true') {
login.visible = true
if (ctx.loginOk == 'true') {
loginOk.visible = true
function getSortedLocations() {
let obj = ctx.locations
var arr = []
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
"key": prop,
"value": obj[prop]
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.value - b.value
return Array.from(arr, (k,_) => k.key);
function isAutoLocation() {
// FIXME there's something weird going on with newyork location...
// it gets marked as auto, which from europe is a bug.
let best = ctx.locationLabels[ctx.bestLocation]
if (best == undefined) {
return false
return (best[0] == ctx.currentLocation)
function bringToFront() {
// FIXME does not work properly, at least on linux
if (visibility == 3) {
} else {
console.debug("ERROR while initializing scene")
Component.onCompleted: {
loader.source = "components/Splash.qml"