Repository graph
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Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- auto-update
- bug/stop-fw-osx
- dind
- feat/drawer-implementation
- feat/ui-redesign
- fix-826
- fix-855
- fix-903
- fix-915
- increment
- init-error
- introducer
- l10n
- main default protected
- maxb/allow-letsencrypt-certs
- multi-provider-client
- obfs4_over_kcp
- obfsvpn-bug
- ovpn-status
- Tags 20
- 0.24.10
- 0.24.10-rc.3
- 0.24.10-rc.2
- 0.24.10-rc.1
- 0.24.8
- 0.24.8-rc.3
- 0.24.8-rc.2
- 0.24.8-rc.1
- 0.24.6-rc.1
- 0.24.5
- 0.24.3
- 0.24.03-rc.1
- 0.21.11
- 0.21.6
- 0.21.2
- 0.20.4
- 0.20.1
- 0.19.11
- 0.19.6
- 0.19.2