Julien (jvoisin) Voisin authoredJulien (jvoisin) Voisin authored
After you've reviewed these contribution guidelines, you'll be all set to
contribute to this project.
Contributing to MAT2
The main repository for MAT2 is on 0xacab, with a mirror on gitlab.com.
Do feel free to pick up an issue
and to send a pull-request. Please do check that everything is fine by running the
testsuite with python3 -m unittest discover -v
before submitting one :)
If you're fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please add tests accordingly, this will greatly improve the odds of your merge-request getting merged.
If you're adding a new fileformat, please add tests for:
- Getting metadata
- Cleaning metadata
- Raising
upon a corrupted file
Since MAT2 is written in Python3, please conform as much as possible to the pep8 style; except where it makes no sense of course.
Doing a release
- Update the changelog
- Update the version in the mat2 file
- Update the version in the setup.py file
- Update the version and date in the man page
- Commit the changelog, man page, mat2 and setup.py files
- Create a tag with
git tag -s $VERSION
- Push the commit with
git push origin master
- Push the tag with
git push --tags
- Create the signed tarball with
git archive --format=tar.xz --prefix=mat-$VERSION/ $VERSION > mat-$VERSION.tar.xz
- Sign the tarball with
gpg --armor --detach-sign mat-$VERSION.tar.xz
- Upload the result on Gitlab's tag page and add the changelog there
- Announce the release on the mailing list
- Tell the downstreams about it
- Do the secret release dance