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    import datetime
    ulif's avatar
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    import os
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    import pytest
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    import sys
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    from io import StringIO
    ulif's avatar
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    from diceware import (
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
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        get_wordlist_path, insert_special_char, get_passphrase,
    ulif's avatar
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        handle_options, main, __version__, print_version,
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    class FakeRandom(object):
        # a very, very bad random generator.
        # Very handy for tests, though :-)
        nums_to_draw = [0] * 100
        def choice(self, elems):
            num, self.nums_to_draw = self.nums_to_draw[0], self.nums_to_draw[1:]
            return elems[num]
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    def argv_handler(request):
        """This fixture restores sys.argv and sys.stdin after tests.
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        _argv_stored = sys.argv
        _stdin_stored = sys.stdin
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def teardown():
            sys.argv = _argv_stored
            sys.stdin = _stdin_stored
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    class Test_GetWordList(object):
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_get_wordlist_en(self):
    ulif's avatar
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            # we can get a list of words out of english wordlist.
    ulif's avatar
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            en_src = os.path.join(WORDLISTS_DIR, 'wordlist_en.txt')
    ulif's avatar
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            with open(en_src, 'r') as fd:
                en_result = get_wordlist(fd)
    ulif's avatar
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            assert en_result[0] == 'a'
            assert en_result[-1] == '@'
    ulif's avatar
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            assert len(en_result) == 8192
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_get_wordlist_simple(self, tmpdir):
    ulif's avatar
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            # simple wordlists can be created
            in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
            with open(in_file.strpath, 'r') as fd:
                result = get_wordlist(fd)
            assert ['a', 'b'] == result
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_get_wordlist_ignore_empty_lines(self, tmpdir):
    ulif's avatar
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            # we ignore empty lines in wordlists
            in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
            with open(in_file.strpath, 'r') as fd:
                result = get_wordlist(fd)
            assert ['a'] == result
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_get_wordlist_closes_fd(self, tmpdir):
            # we close passed-in file descriptors
            in_file = tmpdir.join("somewordlist")
            with open(in_file.strpath, 'r') as fd:
                assert fd.closed is True
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    class TestDicewareModule(object):
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_re_lang_code(self):
            # RE_LANG_CODE really works
            # valid stuff
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('de') is not None
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('DE') is not None
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('vb') is not None
            # invalid stuff
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('de_DE') is None
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('u1') is None
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('u') is None
            assert RE_LANG_CODE.match('dea') is None
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_get_wordlist_path(self):
            # we can get valid wordlist paths
            assert os.path.exists(get_wordlist_path('en'))
            assert not os.path.exists(get_wordlist_path('zz'))
        def test_get_wordlist_path_requires_ascii(self):
            # non ASCII alphabet chars are not accepted in language specifier
            with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
            assert exc_info.value.args[0].startswith(
                'Not a valid language code')
        def test_get_wordlist_path_loweres_country_code(self):
            # upper case country codes are lowered
    ulif's avatar
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            assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('de')) == 'wordlist_de.txt'
            assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('De')) == 'wordlist_de.txt'
            assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('DE')) == 'wordlist_de.txt'
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_insert_special_char(self):
            # we can insert special chars in words.
            fake_rnd = FakeRandom()
            result1 = insert_special_char('foo', specials='bar', rnd=fake_rnd)
            assert result1 == 'boo'
            fake_rnd.nums_to_draw = [1, 1]
            result2 = insert_special_char('foo', specials='bar', rnd=fake_rnd)
            assert result2 == 'fao'
            fake_rnd.nums_to_draw = [2, 2]
            result3 = insert_special_char('foo', specials='bar', rnd=fake_rnd)
            assert result3 == 'for'
            fake_rnd.nums_to_draw = [0, 0]
            result4 = insert_special_char('foo', rnd=fake_rnd)
            assert result4 == '~oo'
        def test_insert_special_char_defaults(self):
            # defaults are respected
            expected_matrix = []
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(len(SPECIAL_CHARS)):
                    word = list('foo')
                    word[i] = SPECIAL_CHARS[j]
            for x in range(100):
                assert insert_special_char('foo') in expected_matrix
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_special_chars_do_not_quote(self):
            # backslashes in SPECIAL_CHAR do not hide away chars
            assert len(SPECIAL_CHARS) == 36
        def test_get_passphrase(self):
            # we can get passphrases
            r1 = get_passphrase()
            r2 = get_passphrase()
            assert r1 != r2
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_get_passphrase_capitals(self):
            # by default a passphrase contains upper case chars
            phrase = get_passphrase()
            assert phrase.lower() != phrase
        def test_get_passphrase_no_capitals(self):
            # we can turn capitals off
            options = handle_options(args=[])
            options.capitalize = False
            phrase = get_passphrase(options)
    ulif's avatar
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            assert phrase.lower() == phrase
        def test_get_passphrase_specialchars(self):
            # we can request special chars in passphrases
            options = handle_options(args=[])
            options.specials = 2
            phrase = get_passphrase(options)
            specials = [x for x in phrase if x in SPECIAL_CHARS]
            # the 2nd special char position might be equal to 1st.
            assert len(specials) > 0
        def test_get_passphrase_delimiters(self):
            # we can set separators
            options = handle_options(args=[])
            options.delimiter = " "
            phrase = get_passphrase(options)
            assert " " in phrase
        def test_get_passphrase_wordlist_fd(self):
            #  we can pass in an own wordlist
            options = handle_options(args=[])
            options.infile = StringIO("word1\n")
            phrase = get_passphrase(options)
            assert "Word1" in phrase
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_print_version(self, capsys):
            # we can print version infos
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert err == ''
            assert __version__ in out
        def test_print_version_current_year(self, capsys):
            # in version infos we display the current year
            expected = '(C) %s' % (
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert expected in out
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_handle_options(self):
    ulif's avatar
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            # we can get help
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
            assert exc_info.value.code == 0
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_handle_options_defaults(self):
            # defaults are correctly set
            options = handle_options([])
            assert options.num == 6
    ulif's avatar
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            assert options.capitalize is True
    ulif's avatar
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            assert options.specials == 0
    ulif's avatar
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            assert options.infile is None
            assert options.version is False
    ulif's avatar
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            assert options.delimiter == ""
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
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        def test_handle_options_infile(self, tmpdir):
    ulif's avatar
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            # we can give an infile
    ulif's avatar
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    ulif's avatar
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            with open('mywords', 'w') as fd:
    ulif's avatar
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            options = handle_options(['mywords', ])
    ulif's avatar
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            assert options.infile is not None
            assert == 'one\ntwo\n'
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_handle_options_version(self):
            # we can ask for version infos
            options = handle_options(['--version', ])
            assert options.version is True
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_handle_options_delimiter(self):
            # we can set delimiter
            options = handle_options(['-d', ' '])
            assert options.delimiter == ' '
            options = handle_options(['--delimiter', ' '])
            assert options.delimiter == ' '
            options = handle_options(['-d', 'WOW'])
            assert options.delimiter == 'WOW'
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_main(self, capsys):
            # we can get a passphrase
            main([])  # call with default options in place
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert err == ''               # we got no errors
            assert out[-1] == '\n'         # output ends with liebreak
            assert not ('\n' in out[:-1])  # we get one line
            assert len(out) > 5            # we get at least some chars
        def test_main_help(self, argv_handler, capsys):
    ulif's avatar
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            # we can get help
            sys.argv = ['diceware', '--help']
    ulif's avatar
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            with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
    ulif's avatar
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            assert exc_info.value.code == 0
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            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            expected_path = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(__file__), 'exp_help_output.txt')
            with open(expected_path, 'r') as fd:
                expected_output =
            assert out == expected_output
        def test_main_version(self, argv_handler, capsys):
            # we can get version infos.
            sys.argv = ['diceware', '--version']
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
            assert exc_info.value.code == 0
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert __version__ in out
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_main_argv(self, argv_handler):
            # main() handles sys.argv if nothing is provided
            sys.argv = ['diceware', '--help']
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
            assert exc_info.value.code == 0
    ulif's avatar
    ulif committed
        def test_main_infile(self, argv_handler, tmpdir, capsys):
            # main() reads custom wordlist if provided
            custom_path = tmpdir.join('mywordlist.txt')
            main(['-n', '1', 'mywordlist.txt', ])
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert out == 'Mysingleword\n'
    ulif's avatar
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        def test_main_infile_stdin(self, argv_handler, capsys):
            # main() also accepts input from stdin
            sys.stdin = StringIO("word1\n")
    ulif's avatar
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            sys.argv = ['diceware', '-n', '2', '-']
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert out == 'Word1Word1\n'
        def test_main_delimiters(self, argv_handler, capsys):
            # delimiters are respected on calls to main
            sys.stdin = StringIO("word1\n")
            sys.argv = ['diceware', '-n', '2', '-d', 'DELIM', '-']
            out, err = capsys.readouterr()
            assert out == 'Word1DELIMWord1\n'