import pytest
from diceware.diceware import SRC_DIR, get_wordlist, get_wordlist_path
class Test_GetWordList(object):
def test_get_wordlist_en(self):
# we can get a list of words out of english wordlist.
en_src = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'wordlist_en.asc')
en_result = get_wordlist(en_src)
assert en_result[0] == 'a'
assert en_result[-1] == '@'
assert len(en_result) == 7776
def test_get_wordlist_simple(self, tmpdir):
# simple wordlists can be created
in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
assert ['a', 'b'] == get_wordlist(in_file.strpath)
def test_get_wordlist_ignore_empty_lines(self, tmpdir):
# we ignore empty lines in wordlists
in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
assert [] == get_wordlist(in_file.strpath)
def test_get_wordlist_ignore_non_data(self, tmpdir):
# lines without tabs ('\t') are ignored
in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
in_file.write("111111 a\n111112 b\n")
assert [] == get_wordlist(in_file.strpath)
def test_get_wordlist_broken(self, tmpdir):
# we handle broken lines gracefully
in_file = tmpdir.mkdir("work").join("mywordlist")
assert ['a', 'c'] == get_wordlist(in_file.strpath)
class TestDicewareModule(object):
def test_get_wordlist_path(self):
# we can get valid wordlist paths
assert os.path.exists(get_wordlist_path('en'))
assert not os.path.exists(get_wordlist_path('zz'))
def test_get_wordlist_path_requires_ascii(self):
# non ASCII alphabet chars are not accepted in language specifier
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.value.args[0].startswith(
'Not a valid language code')
def test_get_wordlist_path_loweres_country_code(self):
# upper case country codes are lowered
assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('de')) == 'wordlist_de.asc'
assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('De')) == 'wordlist_de.asc'
assert os.path.basename(get_wordlist_path('DE')) == 'wordlist_de.asc'