{lanterns flare, burning \spellArea\ any nearby targets for \rollConv\ Damage, then shadowy spirits latch onto their face, inflicting \arabic{spelllevel}\glspl{fatigue}}% Description
As the caster calls to fire spirits, fires in the area flare up like dragons' breath, burning anyone nearby.
Shadowy spirits, born of the foul air from the dead fires, cover the caster's enemies.
Anyone neary a fire takes \rollConv\ Damage.
Anyone who breathes in receives \arabic{spelllevel}\glspl{fatigue}.
The shadowy spirits of noxious air will follow all targets, wth an effective Speed Bonus of \arabic{spelllevel}.
{\arabic{spelllevel} targets in the distance receive chimerical copies}% Description
The caster sings encouraging songs to one side of a distant fight, and one side receives chimerical copies of themselves.
The copies split from their real selves like dough being torn apart, so anyone watching this process will find it very difficult to tell which of the enemies they can see presents a real danger.