{As the caster belches, they release a stinking cloud (in the shape of the caster's face) covers an area of \arabic{spellTargets}\glspl{step}, inflicting \arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{fatigue} to anyone in the area who breathes it in}% Description
The spell suffers from wind speed, as it dissipates the gas within a round or two.
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@
{detailed, duplicated}% Enhancements
{Wax}% Action
{Air}% Spheres
{wind speed}% Resist with
{\roll{Strength}{Athletics}}% Resist with
{The caster shouts `get out', and \arabic{spellTargets} targets find themselves pushed back by whispy hands made of wind, stripping \arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ap} minus the targets' Strength.
The hands avoid affecting the caster's allies}% Description