\large\ifnum\value{enc}<\value{statDots}\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statDot}\else\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statCircle}\fi% This decides to use either a statDot (showing a stat value) or an empty statCircle (showing a potential dot)
\ifnum\value{enc}=-1\currentCircle\else\raisebox{2pt}{\currentCircle}\fi% Most circles need a raisebox to appear nicely on a line. The dot representing '0' is large, and doesn't need raised.
\large #1 &
\large\ifnum\value{enc}<\value{statDots}\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statDot}\else\renewcommand\currentCircle{\statCircle}\fi% This decides to use either a statDot (showing a stat value) or an empty statCircle (showing a potential dot)
\ifnum\value{enc}=-1\currentCircle\else\raisebox{2pt}{\currentCircle}\fi% Most circles need a raisebox to appear nicely on a line. The dot representing '0' is large, and doesn't need raised.