The phial will take a -3 penalty for use next to small bodies of water, such as puddles, or a +3 Bonus when used on people \emph{inside} a raging river.
}% Details
\talisman{Hag's Finger}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{\roll{Charisma}{Stealth}}% Resistance
Point the mummified finger at a cretin, then crack the finger's knuckle till it breaks.
The cretin will suffer \arabic{spellPlusTwo} encounters before the next day's light.
}% Summary
{}% Details
\talisman{Home Scroll}% Name
{detailed,distant,duplicated}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Earth,Fire}% Spheres
{movement, such as wind}% Resistance
This scroll searches for somewhere windless and calm, around a day's walk, and then opens a rift in space to that location.