@@ -824,6 +824,22 @@ Set the darker die to `\dicef{6}' and roll the other. If this roll fails, it fa
Reloading a crossbow requires 5~rounds, plus the weapon's Damage, and the user must have a Strength Bonus at least as high as the weapon's \glsentrytext{weight}},
description={shoot fire from arms's length away, which makes them heavy.
Most are sold by gnomes, mostly because they don't want them anywhere near where polite people live.
Loading the specially prepared Fire \glsentrytext{ingredient} requires three \glsfmtplural{round} and a \roll{Dexterity}{Academics} roll (\tn[10]), which remains hidden.
Checking the results of the load requires a \roll{Wits}{Academics} roll (\tn[8]).
Firing the hagbut uses \roll{Dexterity}{Projectiles} with no Bonus.
The projectile deals $3D6$ Damage to the target, or (with a tie or failure) to nobody, or (with a Failure Margin of 3+) to the user, plus $1D6$ to anyone nearby},