{the target takes a -\arabic{spelllevel}\gls{ap} penalty. They can spend 1\gls{ap}to reduce the spell's effects by 1}% Description
{Wax}% Action
{\detailed,\distant}% Enhancements
{\roll{Speed}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{A target attack gains a +\arabic{spelllevel}bonus to hit and Damage. The spell must be cast at the same\glspl{ap}step as the arrow flies}% Description
The caster shouts to some group in the distance to sit down, and their bodies begin to feel so heavy they cannot lift themselves.
The targets take an immediate \arabic{spelllevel}\gls{ap} penalty.
However, they can try to wriggle free of the warping effects of their own weight, by spending \pgls{ap}, or more.
Each \gls{ap} spent reduces their penalty by 1, so someone with \arabic{spelllevel}\glspl{ap} spare could ignore the effects immediately.
The caster guides and enhnaces any attack at \spellRange\ -- usually an arrow -- granting a +\arabic{spelllevel} bonus to hit and Damage.
The caster must throw the spell while they hold exactly the same number of \glspl{ap} as whoever looses the arrow (or swings the sword).
The caster cannot use this spell to attack directly, as they cannot attack at the same time as casting.