Malin Freeborn authoredMalin Freeborn authored
Light2.tex 1.11 KiB
\spell{Sun Flare}% Name
{Duplicated}% Enhancements
{Wax}% Action
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{The caster shouts, suddenly.
Nearby lights flash.
If cast in darkness, everyong within \spellRange\ of an affected light source blinks in confusion, and takes a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to anything involving vision, for the rest of the round}% Description
{The spell only works once, as eyes adjust quickly to the shock.}
\spell{Phantasm}% Name
{Detailed}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{The caster makes an incredibly dubious claim, and nearby light gathers into an illusion of whatever the caster spoke about}% Description
{The illusion will not hold up against close inspection, but from even a few steps away, it can look like anything roughly the size of a person.
The illusion vanishes upon touch, or even in a strong wind.
In combat, these illusions provide worth by wasting enemies' \glspl{ap}, since attacking an illusion costs attention and movement.}