These config files make the BIND RPG books look and act the way they do.
To make a book, put this config folder into the same directory, and copy `main.tex` into the directory.
Edit 'main.tex', and input your tex files by writing `\include{my_file.tex}.
You can include pseudo-randomo creatures in your adventure by summoning the names from monsters.tex. For example, to place a random elf in your game, just write `\elf`, and an elf will be magically summoned unto your adventure. You can give the character a title and name by writing '\npc{symbol}{name}'. For example:
This would make a heading called **Rincewind** in bold with a male symbol, and provide pseudo-random alchemist-appropriate stats underneath.
| Syntax | Symbol |
| \\M | Male |
| \\F | Female |
| \\G | Group |
| \\U | Undead |
| \\N | Nura |
For a complete list of all the creatures and characters which can be used, see the 'monsters.tex' file.
For more details on the syntax, have a look at examples in *Adventures in Fenestra*, or read the git's wiki.
This thing's handled as a subtree in the other documments, so changing it will change all BIND books.
Personally, I keep it in a directory by the others. This allows you to do:
> git subtree -P config pull ../config master
The configs also have one branch per repo, so when writing Adventures in Fenestra ('aif'), you can do a push to just that branch:
> git subtree -P config push ../config aif