\spell{Furious Flame}% Name
{\mFire}% Spheres
{Wax}% Action
{}% Enhancements
{\roll{Wits}{Athletics}}% Resist with
{target fire flares, inflicting \rollConv\ Damage on all around}% Description
A fire-source roars, growing loud, aggressive, and large enough to damage anyone next to it.
Someone carrying a candle would receive just \dmg{spelllevel} Damage, but those with a torch would receive more, and a target standing next to a bonfire could receive $1D6$ Damage.
The caster can specify any target within one step of a fire.
Anyone not taken by surprise can attempt to dodge, resisting with their Speed + Vigilance like any other missile weapon.
{\mFire}% Spheres
{Wane}% Action
{}% Enhancements
{target fire goes out}% Description
The target fire flickers, then goes out.
Candles are \tn[6], torches \tn[7], hearths \tn[8], and bonfires demand \tn[9] or more.