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  • VERSION != git tag | tail -1
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    QR_TARGET != grep mailto: | cut -d: -f2,3 | tail -c+2
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    COMPRESS = gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.5 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -dPrinted=false -sOutputFile=$@ $<
    CP := ln -f
    BOOK != basename "$(shell pwd)"
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    TITLE != head -1 | tail -c+3 | tr ' ' '_'
    LOCAL_DROSS := rubbish
    DBOOK = $(DROSS)/$(BOOK).pdf
    COMPILER = latexmk -file-line-error -output-directory=$(DROSS) -pdflua -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -shell-escape -r config/.latexmkrc -jobname=$(BOOK)
    RELEASE = $(TITLE).pdf
    GLOS := makeglossaries -d $(DROSS)
    RUN := lualatex -output-directory $(DROSS) -shell-escape
    targets += check
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    .PHONY: book
    book: $(RELEASE) ## Compile the pdf
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    $(RELEASE): $(DBOOK)
    	@$(CP) $< $@
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    targets += $(RELEASE)
    LOCTEX: $(wildcard *.tex)
    HANDOUTS: config/CS.tex config/booklet.tex config/fold_front.tex config/fold_back.tex
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    STYLE_FILES: $(wildcard config/*.sty)
    EXTERNAL: $(wildcard $(DROSS)/*.glg) | $(DROSS)
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    qr.tex: config/vars
    	@printf '%s' '\qrcode[height=.2\textwidth]{$(QR_TARGET)}' > qr.tex
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    	@touch .switch-gls
    output += qr.tex .switch-gls svg-inkscape
    	mkdir -p $@
    	echo '*' > $@.gitignore
    images/extracted/inclusion.tex: images/extracted/
    	printf '%s\n' '\externaldocument{$(BOOK)}' > $@
    	printf '%s\n' '\newcommand\bookTitle{$(TITLE)}' | tr '_' ' ' >> $@
    output += images/extracted/
    	mkdir $(DROSS)
    output += $(DROSS)
    dependencies = git git-lfs lualatex latexmk inkscape
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    .PHONY: check
    check: ## Check you have the project dependencies
    	@$(foreach program, $(dependencies), \
    	command -v $(program) >/dev/null || { echo install $(program) && exit 1 ;} ;)
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    help: ## Print the help message
    	@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%s\033[0m : %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
    		sort | \
    		column -s ':' -t
    Malin Freeborn's avatar
    Malin Freeborn committed
    graph: ## Show a dependency graph (needs graph-easy and make2graph)
    	make -Bind $(TARG) | make2graph | graph-easy --boxart
    print_%.pdf: %.pdf
    	pdfjam --landscape --paper a3paper --nup 1x1 --signature 12 $< -o $@
    output += $(targets)
    .PHONY: all
    all: ## All standard targets
    	make $(targets)
    .PHONY: clean
    clean: ## Clean repo, including cross-reference files
    	$(RM) -r $(output)