{The caster banishes the water with a `begone', and \arabic{spellTargets} barrels' worth of liquid evaporates, and turn into ghastly apparitions with distorted features.
Ranged attacks firing through the vapour take a -\arabic{spellPlusTwo} penalty, as do most Vigilance checks}% Description
When cast on acidic creatures (such as oozes), the spell inflicts \showDam\ Damage.}
\spell{Lemon Hail}% Name
{Distant, Duplicated}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Water}% Spheres
{temperature}% Resist with
{The caster starts a fight with a rain-cloud, insulting its meagre abilities.
The rain then turns to hail, and up to \arabic{spellTargets} hailstones grow to the size of a lemon, inflicting \showDam~Damage on anyone they hit}% Description
{These stones hit one intended target, and the rest tend to hit anyone within a 5~\gls{step} diameter.}