{weapon's \gls{weight}}% Resist with
{Reaching into some soft ground, such as sand or snow, the caster explains how to form a weapon, and the ground complies, producing the weapon.
It shatters if it deals over \arabic{spellPlusTwo} Damage}% Description
The higher the target weapon's \gls{weight}, the more difficult the spell, as the \gls{weight} adds (but never subtracts) from the \gls{tn}.
\spell{Shatter}% Name
{Duplicated}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Earth}% Spheres
{target's solidity}% Resist with
{With a fast, loud, yell, \arabic{spellTargets} target objects crack.
Clay has \tn[9], metals have \tn[14] or higher}% Description