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{\Large\scshape The Rules-Light RPG$^{*}$}
\ast\tiny It weighs 5 grams!
& \textbf{Strength} & \textbf{Dexterity} & \textbf{Speed} \\\hline
\textbf{Academics} & Orating to a massive crowd & Forgery & Courier Runs \\
\textbf{Athletics} & Lifting heavy loads & Climbing & Sprinting \\
\textbf{Deceit} & Intimidation & Feigning an injury & Spreading a rumour across an entire town \\
\textbf{Stealth} & Hiding in a hay bail & Moving quietly & Escaping into a crowd \\
\textbf{Survival} & Brace against the wind & Running on rocky terrain & Fleeing a stampede \\
\textbf{Vigilance} & Keeping watch all night & Feeling for an exit in the dark & Searching a full forest for a particular tree \\
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& \textbf{Intelligence} & \textbf{Wits} & \textbf{Charisma} \\\hline
\textbf{Academics} & Recalling facts & Resisting an enchantment spell & Storytelling \\
\textbf{Athletics} & Finding the easiest route to climb & Identifying optimal climbing conditions & Stage acrobatics \\
\textbf{Deceit} & Crafting a plausible lie & Making a quick excuse & Implausible lies \\
\textbf{Stealth} & Identifying the best hiding spot & Quickly hiding & Sleuthing a banquet, uninvited \\
\textbf{Survival} & Planning a new, hidden trail & Spotting a rare plant & Selling a map \\
\textbf{Vigilance} & Investigating a crime scene & Spotting an illusion spell & Hearing the best gossip \\