\spell{Chaos}% Name
{\mWater, \mFate}% Spheres
{Wane}% Action
{\duplicated}% Enhancements
{\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Skill
{\spellArea\ targets suffer -\arabic{spelllevel}~\glspl{ap}}% Description
\spellArea\ targets within \spellRange\ become confused about what they're doing, and suffer a minus \arabic{spelllevel} penalty to all actions based on Mental Attributes.
Any target in combat loses the same number of \glspl{ap} each round.
All valid targets in range feel the effects, so if the spell can only target one enemy, then it will target anyone else until it has affected \spellArea\ targets.
The spell lasts until the character gains \pgls{xp} for following their Code.
\spell{Fear}% Name
{\mWater, \mFate}% Spheres
{Wane}% Action
{\divergent}% Enhancements
{\roll{Wits}{Academics}}% Skill
{the target loses -\arabic{spelllevel}~\glspl{ap} and $1D6 + 1$ \glspl{fp}}% Description
The caster explains to the target their imminent death.
The target immediately loses $1D6+1$ \glspl{fp} and takes on a persistent -\arabic{spelllevel} penalty to Mind Attributes and \glspl{ap}.