@@ -545,15 +545,15 @@ On a failure, the \gls{gm} describes how this plan goes wrong.
happens when someone tries to stab \pgls{witch}.
The works like any other Resisted Action -- if she rolls higher, he spell works, but if the opponent rolls higher, she receives Damage.
This works like any other \gls{resistedaction} -- if the \gls{witch}rolls higher, the spell works, but if the opponent rolls higher, the spell fails and the caster receives Damage.
Of course, one must use a spell which could plausibly impede the attack.
Summoning a small cyclone in someone's face, or cursing their sword-arm with bad luck could both repel and attack, but a spell to make someone forget that it is Tuesday would not.
Summoning a small cyclone in someone's face, or cursing their sword-arm with bad luck could both repel an attack, but a spell to make someone forget that it is Tuesday would not.
Spells retain their original \gls{tn} when used up close, so people can resist Mind spells with their \roll{Wits}{Academics} at the same time as \roll{Dexterity}{Brawl}.
If the \gls{witch}.
Spells retain their original \gls{tn} when used up close, so people can resist Mind spells with their \roll{Wits}{Academics} at the same time as \roll{Dexterity}{Melee}.
These actions use the same \gls{natural}.
But if the \roll{Dexterity}{Brawl} resistance succeeds, the \gls{witch}'s spell automatically fails, as she her focus collapses.
If the \roll{Dexterity}{Melee} resistance succeeds, the \gls{witch}'s spell automatically fails, because their focus collapses.
In this case, no \glspl{mp} are spent.
\makeAutoRule{drawWeapon}{Drawing a Weapon}{spend 1~\glsentrytext{ap}}