@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ If they arrive uninterrupted, they gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Spee
The character can defend others at a cost of 0 \glspl{ap}, and gain a +1 bonus when defending someone from attack (but only when someone attempts to hit the target -- not when they try to hit the defending character).
The character can defend others at a cost of 0 \glspl{ap}, and gains a +1 bonus when defending someone from attack (but only when someone attempts to hit the target -- not when they try to hit the defending character).
Those being guarded must be close beside or behind them, as usual.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Those being guarded must be close beside or behind them, as usual.
Any time the character loses \glspl{hp} they immediately gain +2 \glspl{ap} plus one per Knack the character has.
The character also gains a number of \gls{mp} equal to the number of Knacks they have.
The character also gains a number of \glspl{mp} equal to the number of Knacks they have.
This Knack can only be used when there is a legitimate grievance.
The character does not gain the bonus when they have harmed themself.
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Those with a crossbow can reload it one round faster than normal, but the minimu
\footnote{This would normally be 6 rounds minus the character's Strength score. See page \pageref{crossbow} for more.}
\subsubsection{Perfect Sneak Attack}
\index{Sneak Attack}
Any Sneak Attacks the character completes inflicts an additional +1 Damage for each Knack they have.
Normally, Sneak Attacks inflict +2 Damage, so someone with 3 Knacks would inflict +5 Damage.
@@ -137,6 +138,8 @@ These spells always look obvious, as they make the caster's nose bleed, or eyes
The \glspl{fatigue} heal at the normal rate, allowing the caster to regenerate their magical potential in two ways at once.
\subsubsection{Ritual Caster}
\index{Rituals, Magical}
A staple of dwarves and humans -- this knack allows any caster to use Intelligence as their casting Attribute.
It also allows the caster to spend one more \gls{mp} than usual when casting spells as a resting action.%