@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ each inflict a penalty, so characters can find themselves pushed into taking hea
\subsubsection{Melee Order}
doesn't matter much\ldots until it does.
The \gls{gm} can go clockwise round the table, but anyone can interrupt.
At that point use the following method to determine who goes first:
@@ -555,6 +556,12 @@ These actions use the same \gls{natural}.
If the \roll{Dexterity}{Melee} resistance succeeds, the \gls{witch}'s spell automatically fails, because their focus collapses.
In this case, no \glspl{mp} are spent.
\makeAutoRule{disarm}{Disarming}{make a normal attack with a -2 Penalty against an opponent with fewer \glsfmtplural{ap}}
someone usually involves striking their hand, or the but of their weapon, making them drop the weapon.
The manoeuvre uses any a standard \roll{Dexterity}{Melee}\gls{resistedaction} with a -2 Penalty, and can only be performed while when the target has fewer \glspl{ap}.
If successful, the opponent's weapon flies a number of \glspl{step} equal to the first attack die, towards the next acting character (determined by \nameref{initiativeOrdering}, \vpageref{initiativeOrdering}), who can try to avoid the missile as usual, at \tn[12].
\makeAutoRule{drawWeapon}{Drawing a Weapon}{spend 1~\glsentrytext{ap}}
from a scabbard simply costs \pgls{ap}.
Drawing a weapon from a \textit{rucksack}, however, could cost a couple of \glspl{round}.