How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on the players -- they may lean into them, and feel pressures on all sides as they juggle a chaotic world with their duties, or may end up abandoning them, and wandering \gls{fenestra} as free agents or bandits (and who can tell the difference?).
Think of this as a skeleton of a game, or just a standard introduction.
Once you get into the swing of this simple cycle -- march, encounter, actions, repeat -- the simple resolution system can fill days or weeks of in-game time quite easily.
How much the troupe actually engage with their \gls{guard} missions depends on the players -- they may lean into them, and feel pressures on all sides as they juggle a chaotic world with their duties, or may end up abandoning them, and wandering \gls{fenestra} as free agents or bandits (and who can tell the difference?).
@@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ Once you get into the swing of this simple cycle -- march, encounter, actions, r
Yes - three weeks passes every session, so we've actually started a new `\gls{cycle}' in \gls{fenestra}.
And as usual -- we'll start in \pgls{broch} -- one of the \gls{guard} towers which sit between \glspl{village}.
Mark off any rations or \glspl{ingredient} from last session -- they've all been eaten or gone rotten.
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ Once you get into the swing of this simple cycle -- march, encounter, actions, r
The \gls{broch}'s \Gls{jotter} wants a report from last week.
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Of course, if the rest of the troupe have more stamina, they might have to march
A smaller person, marching 8 miles in the morning would gain 4 \glspl{fatigue}, then heal only 3 over the next rest.
Each day they would accumulate 2 more \glspl{fatigue} in total.
Travelling by road means the troupe can usually sleep in \pgls{village} or at least \pgls{bothy}, so it affords more opportunity for rest.
Travelling by road means the troupe can usually sleep in \pgls{village}, \pgls{broch} or at least \pgls{bothy}, so it affords more opportunity for rest.
\makeRule{navigate_land}{Navigating on land}{Intelligence}{Wyldcrafting}{by terrain type, Failure Margin adds 2 miles}