@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ At that point use the following method to determine who goes first:
allows any character to move up to 1~\gls{step}, position themselves in front of another player, and receive all attacks from their front.
Anyone attacking a guarded character must first make a standard combat roll against the guardian, and if that attack succeeds they deal no Damage, but have the option to make a second attack, as a \gls{quickaction}, against the guarded character.
Anyone attacking a guarded character must first make a standard combat roll against the guardian, and if that attack succeeds they deal no Damage, but have the option to make a second attack, as \pgls{quickaction}, against the guarded character.
If a guarded character moves, they lose the benefits of their guardian.
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Allowing someone to move within this pile of metal requires rare artisans.
\paragraph{Natural Armour}
means tough skin (or scales, or chitin\ldots) thick enough to push back blades.
Natural armour always has \pgls{covering} of 4 unless otherwise specified, because it covers almost all of the body, but still leaves weak spots open such as the eyes or the kneecaps.
Natural armour always has \pgls{covering} of 5 unless otherwise specified, because it covers almost all of the body, but still leaves weak spots open such as the eyes or the kneecaps.
\subsubsection{Banding \Glsfmttext{dr}}
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ So a ghast with chain armour (\gls{dr}~5) and their undead resistance (\gls{dr}~
Stacked armour can consist of different levels of \gls{covering}, meaning a roll could bypass one set of armour by rolling 3 over the creature's \gls{tn}, while another type of armour (with \pgls{covering} of 4) still applies.
Consider this convoluted example: \pgls{basilisk} with its natural \gls{dr} of 4 dies, and then an over-curious \gls{seeker} raises it from the dead.
The undead naturally have a \gls{dr} of 2, so this secondary source of damage would count for half, giving it a total \gls{dr} of 5.
The undead naturally have \pgls{dr} of 2, so this secondary source of damage would count for half, giving it a total \gls{dr} of 5.
If the \gls{seeker} fashioned plate armour to the \gls{basilisk} the total \gls{dr} would be\ldots
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ If the \gls{seeker} fashioned plate armour to the \gls{basilisk} the total \gls{
\ldots or `8' (after rounding up).
If the plate armour had \pgls{covering} of only 3 then rolling 3 over the creature's \gls{tn} would leave it with a \gls{dr} of only 5.
If the plate armour had \pgls{covering} of only 3 then rolling 3 over the creature's \gls{tn} would leave it with \pgls{dr} of only 5.